Mcdonalds Case Study Essay

Words: 2879
Pages: 12

People & Change Management

Assignment 1

Liam Carpenter 01/03/2013

People and Change Management Assignment 1 Galway Business School Liam Carpenter Course: BA Business Management Student Number: 123788

Contents Introduction HR Issues Implementation Issues Lessons Learnt References 2 2 4 6 7

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People & Change Management

Assignment 1

Liam Carpenter 01/03/2013

Introduction: The term of employer branding is important to define, and it is an organisations reputation as an employer. In the case study of McDonalds the branding of the organisation has evolved from its early derogatory days to a present day attractive employment prospect. The aim of employer branding is to differentiate the organisation from its

Officials of McDonalds realised developing the skills of their employees contributed to employee engagement. The perceived investment of employee development (PIED) creates a culture amongst employees that their contributions are valued and that they care about their employability. It creates a greater obligation with employees to work harder for the organisation. (Arthur, 1994; Woods and de Menezes, 1998) Likewise, given the changes taking place in workplaces around the world organisations have realised the importance of continued skill development to employees. (Useem, 1993) The family contract introduced in the UK in 2006 was an innovative scheme brought in for employees, so that they could swap shifts with family members working in the same restaurant, without prior managerial consent. Following this they introduced employee
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People & Change Management

Assignment 1

Liam Carpenter 01/03/2013

surveys to gain insight as to what their employees thought about working in McDonalds. Building databases from employee feedback is one of the most powerful resources for generating positive change in an organisation. (Church, Margiloff and Coruzzi, 1995) However the implications of employee surveys to management can sometimes outweigh their advantages. The credibility of a survey is in the actions of the company, many