Employee Training Definition

Words: 1810
Pages: 8

Employee Training:

For any Organisation, the most valuable and unique asset is its people. The people not only define the organizational culture and behavior but also its performance. For the progress and growth of the organisation, it is imperative that the people should also develop and grow. Hence, every modern organisation should train its employees through Human Resource Development (HRD). Training is one of the very important and specialized functions of Human Resource Management(HRM). First, we try to understand what training means.

Various definitions of Training can be found. Below are a few:

According to Dale S. Beach, "Training is the organised procedure by which people learn knowledge and/or skill for a definite purpose”1.

It also helps employees to better adjust to changing circumstances and demands in their work life.
Employee training in an organization is extremely significant for growth of the individual as well organizational growth. It not only provides individuals with job satisfaction by personal development but also helps employers in retaining people by providing them with motivation.
Training helps organizations to keep their work force up-to-date in new technologies and increases competitiveness. Today’s rapidly changing worldrequires a knowledgeable and skilled workforce with employees who can adapt fast, be flexible, and stay focused. This naturally leads to increase in productivity and profitability for the company.Another aspect of training is that it helps employees to become aware of the changes happening to various standards related to their sector of business and also pertaining to Law and Regulations in their region of operation. It can thus be said that Training has the following

Many a times, management neglects proper planning with respect to training and development of employees, or looks at it only at the end of the year, if there is a budget surplus or a particular directive from senior management to “provide training”. This costs companies dearly in the form of loss of top young talent. In fact, developmental planning need not be a tedious or expensive affair, rather be incorporated into the daily interactions of mangers with their team members to understand their strengths and weaknesses and to take steps to address gaps, if any. Below are few ways training can play a role in influencing and strengthening organizational