Explain What Can Performance Management Offer To Learning And Development Within An Organisation

Words: 2847
Pages: 12

Module: Designing and Delivery of Training
Lecturer: Peter McMan

Assignment title: What can performance management offer to learning and development practice within an organisation?

Word count:_____2604___________


Table of Contents

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………3
1.1. Aims and objectives……………………………………………………………...3
1.2. Scope……………………………………………………………………………..3
1.3. Methodology and Presentation…………………………………………………...3
2. Performance Management and Organization……………………………………….4
3. Learning and Development Practices………………………………………………...5
4. The Role of Performance Management in Learning and Development practices...6
4.1. Training,

The main reasons for which organization should consider investing in learning and development, is the value of employee’s skills and capabilities, as for the company they are an asset, especially in this changing environment.

According to Dermol and Cater (2014) “Companies acknowledge that training improves employee performance and productivity and represents a tool for managing risks related to new products, markets and technologies”.
Employees must be able to adapt to new product that is introduced in workplace, by developing new required skills for it, and here, once again – training, is the key to succeed.
In addition to this, Craig (1987) suggested the establishing of a mission statement, based on purpose of the training required in workplace, he mentioned the importance of answering the question about the longevity of the training, short-term or long-term, comparing to the training that already exist in the organization and the need of introducing an additional training programme, this would help management to evaluate the importance of analysis in particular difficulties or opportunities.

The training and development enables employees to build confidence in their actions, depending on the type of training we receive in the organization, it helps us to learn the product, to up skill and to keep up with latest updates in companies objectives and