Essay about Discrimination and Correct Answer

Submitted By besad
Words: 2294
Pages: 10

Self quiz one ;

Question 1
0 out of 1 points

Four demographic conditions that influence the labour pool include: aging workforce, immigration, women in the workforce and contract work

Selected Answer: True
Correct Answer: False

Response Feedback:
That's not correct. May include any of the following: fewer entrants to the workforce, aging workforce, cultural diversity, immigration, education, youth unemployment, women in the workforce.

Question 2
1 out of 1 points

The three main competitive edges include cost, quality and innovation.

Selected Answer: True
Correct Answer: True

Response Feedback:
Good work

Question 3
1 out of 1 points

Selection is the choice of candidates from the previously generated applicant pool in a way that will meet management goals and objectives, as well as current legal requirements.

Selected Answer: True
Correct Answer: True

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Good work

Question 4
0 out of 1 points

Recruitment is the generation of an applicant pool for a position or job in order to provide the required number of candidates for a subsequent selection or promotion program.

Selected Answer: False
Correct Answer: True

Response Feedback:
That's not correct

Question 5
0 out of 1 points

Three types of alternative work arrangements are: full time, part time, flextime.

Selected Answer: True
Correct Answer: False

Response Feedback:
That's not correct. May include any of the following: part-time, flextime, contract work, telework.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014 11:01:21 AM EDT

Self quiz number 2

Question 1
1 out of 1 points

The elimination of discriminatory practices that prevent the entry or retention of members of designated groups in the workplace is known as Employment Equity.

Selected Answer: True
Correct Answer: True

Response Feedback:
Good work

Question 2
0 out of 1 points

Adverse impact occurs when the selection rate for a protected group is lower than that for the relevant comparison group.

Selected Answer: False
Correct Answer: True

Response Feedback:
That's not correct

Question 3
1 out of 1 points

Adverse impact does not occur when the selection rate for a protected group is lower than that for the relevant comparison group.

Selected Answer: False
Correct Answer: False

Response Feedback:
Good work

Question 4
0 out of 1 points

A procedure not used to defend a discriminatory employment practice is known as the BFOR (Bona fide occupational requirement)

Selected Answer: True
Correct Answer: False

Response Feedback:
That's not correct

Tuesday, April 22, 2014 11:2 Note
What is the purpose of the Employment Equity Act?

1. Coverage
2. Designated Group Members
3. Employer Obligations
4. Bargaining Agents/Employee Representatives
5. Enforcement
6. Federal Contractors Program
7. Administration of the Act
8. Mandatory Review
9. Broadcasting Act, Consequential Amendment

What is discrimination?

Discrimination means treating people differently, negatively, or adversely without a good reason. Discrimination means making a distinction between certain individuals or groups based on a prohibited ground.

Prohibited Grounds
Under the Canadian Human Rights Act, it is against the law for any employer or provider of service that falls within federal jurisdiction to make unlawful distinctions based on the following prohibited grounds: race national or ethnic origin colour religion age sex (including pregnancy and childbirth) marital status family status mental or physical disability (including previous or present drug or alcohol dependence) pardoned conviction sexual orientation

Who is covered by