Essay Sample Multiple Choice 2015 Answers

Submitted By 昊-杨
Words: 1132
Pages: 5

Department of Management

Total Value: 25 Marks Date: January 30th, 2014
Instructor: Benito Aloe Time:

Name: _____________________Signature: ___________________ID No:________
Course materials permitted: None, unless otherwise indicated. Concordia Academic Code of Conduct will be strictly enforced. Choose the most appropriate, accurate or correct answer. Answers on questionnaire will not be corrected. At the end of the exam return the questionnaire and answer sheet. DO NOT WRITE ON THE QUESTIONNAIRE. ONE POINT PER QUESTION

1. Which of the following is an example of society imposing ethical behavior on business and other economic activities?
a) Affirmative action programs;
b) Minimum wage laws;
c) Government control of rent increases;
d) The Quebec Charter of Rights;
e) All of the above;

2. Which of the following correctly describes the term “social contract”?
a) All men are born with equal and inalienable rights which are protected by the “social contract”;
b) It promotes the taxation of property to establish a “welfare system”;
c) Diversity in institutions and business is a valid social objective;
d) We give up some individual rights to benefit from the protections of society;
e) It is another way of saying “Public Order”;

3. Gyms for women only are non-discriminatory because:
a) They are for the exclusive benefit of an ethnic group;
b) They are part of an affirmative action program;
c) There is a bona fide occupational requirement;
d) The discrimination is trivial;
e) Only (b) and (d);

4. Which of the following would generally qualify as an example of “reasonable limits in a free and democratic society” under the Quebec Charter of Rights and Freedoms?
a) Forcing airline pilots to undergo drug testing;
b) Imprisonment of convicted criminals;
c) Banning smoking in office buildings;
d) All of the above;
e) Both (b) and (c);

5. Which of the following correctly describes the Charter remedies (recourses) for infringement of your rights or freedoms?
a) You are only entitled to an apology;
b) You are only entitled to a court order to end the discrimination;
c) You are only entitled to material damages if you are a visible minority;
d) Only the police can enforce the Charter (with Criminal charges);
e) You are entitled to material damages if you can show actual losses;

6. Which of the following statements is true of the relationship between law and ethics?
a) What is unethical is necessarily illegal;
b) What is illegal is not necessarily unethical;
c) Ethics do not apply to business unless the business adopts them as policy;
d) Laws cannot be adopted unless they are first accepted as rules of ethics;
e) Only (a) and (b);

7. Which of the following statements is true of the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms?
a) It is set of ethical rules which are not compulsory so it has little impact on Quebec society;
b) It is a Quebec law which takes precedence over other laws and applies to businesses;
c) It is a Quebec law which only protects individual rights from government restrictions and does not apply to businesses;
d) It’s main purpose is to protect Canadian values against excessive applications of individual rights;
e) Both (c) and (d);

8. Which of the following best describes the term “Affirmative Action”?
a) Women and visible minorities are inferior and require special treatment under the law;
b) Women and visible minorities are victims of systemic discrimination which can only be overcome by reverse discrimination;
c) Women and visible minorities are victims of systemic discrimination which can only be overcome by special treatment under the law;
d) Women and visible minorities are given equal opportunity in the workplace through programs designed to increase diversity;
e) Only (a) and (d);

9. Which of the following situations could qualify as adverse effect discrimination?
a) Women being paid a lower salary than