Robert Owen Case Study

Words: 978
Pages: 4

Introduction to problems

According to the case study, Robert Owen, in the year from 1771 to 1856 was one the successful textile manufactures. Despite the fact that he was successful he had to go through with lots of problem including managerial. The first problem was; as the company was in the countryside so to retain and attract labour was the biggest challenge, building a industrial enterprise was not only problem that also included there should be churches, houses, shops and schools for those workers . Having large business in new place he had to introduce new management which is very difficult to implement and another problem was production control. Human Resource Management [HRM] and Corporate Social Responsibilities [CSR] was

Robert Owen has faced the same problem when he tried to establish a new enterprise under new management in countryside. The area where he established his company was thinly populated as it was situated in countryside, so as social needs of worker he had to establish churches, schools, shops and houses. The main target of Robert Owen was to motivate those workers by providing such social facilities so that he can attract and retain workers for his company.

Open System Model

In an Open System Model organizations are not considered as system but as open system. A system is set of inter related parts which are synchronized to achieve a purpose. An open system interacts with its environment which draws attention to the links between the outside world and system’s internal part. Robert Owen exactly implemented this model where he inputted people, finance, materials etc and after transformation process an organization got goods, services, reputation, waste etc as output.


In the zest, after studying all these problems of Robert Owen who had faced, it can be analysed and solved by implementing different models. Models of management made it easier to find out the problems. However, if we see the time when Dale