January 1, 1930
Dear Diary,
Dust storms is a sandstorm that causes soil erosion and drought which caused crops that had been growing and been productive all season long to be damaged in two weeks. I was shocked at the nature of these strong storms and how it had to come when the stock market in New York collapsed causing us a huge economic crisis. These storms caused such immense damage to the agricultural, fertile land through the strong winds that I don’t think that wheat can ever be produced in my farm in Saskatchewan. I am angry at the loss of such a successful job.
February 2, 1931
Dear Diary,
The Civil War in Spain was a significant war that helped make Canada more independent over its foreign policy. The Prime Minister was able to use this new independence as a way to remain neutral between foreign conflicts such as Italy and Ethiopia. The prime minister also banned involvement in the conflict between the Francisco Franco and the Spain, but some French Catholics felt the need to support the Francs and disobeyed the law.
March 3, 1932
Dear Diary, I was devastated! Grasshopper plagues were eating all our crops that grew and destroyed our land. The wheat prices were dropping by a large amount that caused the world wheat market to collapse. I had been overproducing since we had been very productive in the last decade and had also invested in more land. Now, I was in a lot of debt and did not know what to do. Most of the farmers and I all had to go to unemployment relief camps set up by the government as a local welfare scheme in order for us to survive during these harsh situations. Some farmers just moved away as they felt relief camps were a humiliation. There were so many people unemployed and we all had large debts to pay.
March 15, 1933
Dear Diary,
I know a single man who is a close friend of mine. He always gets refusals when looking for a job. I was lucky to be married because even if I didn’t have a job, I at least get some money from relief camps. I look at the streets with all the unemployed people wandering that are begging for food. There is no future for us and these young single men have no hopes for a growing generation. Humans have certain rights and all I ask is that the government have some sympathy for all of us farmers suffering from such an enormous loss.
April 4, 1934
Dear Diary, I feel that the Metis are being treated unfairly. They live near the prairies in Alberta and have no land of their own and the government does not recognize them as Aboriginal people. They have written petitions to the government for their rights and establish a land base for their communities. The province
Related Documents: The Failure Of The Civil War In Canada
on June 12th, in 1929. On her thirteenth birthday, Anneliese receives a diary. It is a time of much political strife in her new home country of Netherlands. She is a German-born Jew in hiding from the Nazi regime. She tells us her heartfelt story over a two year period. The reader discovers the life of a young girl in tragic circumstances through her daily writings in her private diaries. Anne will eventually fill her diary with over 2 years of experiences of the Secret Annex. Initially, she makes…
THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK – ASSIGNMENT 1. There are numerous reasons for the popularity of Anne Frank’s style of writing. First of all, the diary is very well written, it’s clear and concise, easy to understand and the language level is quite high: “It's really a wonder that I haven't dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.” “I can shake off everything…
On June 12, 1942,Anne Frank’s parents gave her a small red-and-white-plaid diary for her thirteenth birthday. More than fifty years later, this diary has become one of the best-known memoirs of the Holocaust. When Anne received her diary, she and her family were living in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) which was occupied by the German Army. By Anne’s thirteenth birthday she, like every other European Jew, was living in fear of the Nazis and their anti-Jewish decrees. On July 6, 1942, her family was…
The diary of Anne Frank Anne Frank The diary of Anne Frank was published in June, 25, 1947. This novel in the paperback copy has about 258 pages. The genre of the diary of Anne Frank is Literature because, it is an intimate portrait of an individual’s daily experiences. This novel was not filtered through any kind of editorial process and often not with the intention of telling the whole of Anne Frank’s life’s experiences, just those surrounding the time of the particular entry. The Diary of Anne…
MARY BOYKIN CHESNUT In every regard, Mary Boykin Chesnut was a remarkable woman. She penned the best known diary that detailed the Civil War from a southerner’s point of view. Despite her being a staunch defender of the Confederate cause, Mary also spoke openly about her opposition to slavery. She was raised in a family that depended on slavery for their very existence, but she still felt deeply that somehow it was morally wrong. Mary Boykin Miller was born on March 31, 1823. She…
Environment There were many major events that have occurred during Anne Frank’s life time. One major event was the World War II which had occurred in 1939 and ended in 1945. You can tell that many people, who served in the war, were willing to devote their lives for the sake of others by the following quote: “It was the most widespread war in history with more than one hundred million people serving in military units” (Wikipedia). During this event, it had all started out by a leader named Adolf…
of isolationism politics, anti-Semitism and fear. It was a traumatic event that showed the world just how cruel humans can be. The things people will do in the name of religious faith astounds even today. The actions of Pope Pius XII’s during the Holocaust is considered controversial. He presented a public front of indifference and remained silent while the Germans committed atrocities. He rejected pleas for help on the grounds of neutrality, yet he would make condemning statements…
MACHINE FOR POLITICAL AND SOCIAL PURPOSES DURING THE FIRST WORLD WAR. PROPAGANDA is a form of communication aimed towards influencing the attitude of a population towards a cause or position. During the First World War different types of propaganda were used by the government and it was a useful tool for war and it helped to enlist millions of men into the armed forces. Those types of propaganda made people supporting the war and allowed them to believe that war was worth fighting for and was beneficial…
The Diary Of A Young Girl Anne Frank, 1952 The topic of this book is a young Jewish girl named Anne Frank writing in her diary in Germany-occupied Holland while hiding from the Nazis. Anne Frank’s purpose for writing this was to inform the people about her situation, and to have an outlet for her tension, while pursuing her goal to become a famous writer to transcend death by becoming famous. Speaker: In The Diary Of A Young Girl by Anne Frank, the speaker is clearly identifiable. Throughout…
How did war interrupt traditional notions of mourning and bereavement? By 1914, medicine had advanced to such a stage that most children outlived their parents; World War 1 changed all that. For the first time in decades, children were predeceasing their parents in greater numbers than ever before. The pink telegram provided no respite for the loved ones of the dead. It had no information about the last moments before death and the familiarity associated with death, knowing the date, time and conditions…