Childcare Research Task Essay

Words: 4405
Pages: 18

Contents Page 1 of 13
C1 - Provide a rationale for the identification of the care and learning needs of all children Page 2 of 13

C2 - Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of different approaches to planning for children’s care and learning Page 3 of 13

C3 - Explain in detail the professional skills needed to plan. Analyse why practitioners need these skills Page 5 of 13

C4 - Demonstrate the application of relevant

What we come up with will lead ‘themes/topics’ for planning
This shows that practitioners use this method constantly. All children are different and to meet each individual needs we would have to do different things all the time for each child. So we would record what each child’s interests and likes are, we can do this by talking to children in group work or we observe them during free flow. Then we can use this information to plan activities and special equipment in certain areas while ensuring we meet the special care and learning needs.
Long, medium and short term planning
We don’t tend to use long term and medium term planning very often, we tend to only use short term as most times practitioners use a type of planning and carry it out in the most effective way to meet a child’s needs alongside the learning curriculum standards, however in the long term a child’s needs or the curriculum may differ or change, and also a practitioner may come across a fault in their planning and want to adjust the plans, also sometimes they may not have certain types of equipment and will have to use alternative methods. Thinking also the wishes of the parents or the child can change and must be respected.

C3 - Explain in detail the professional skills needed to plan. Analyse why practitioners need these skills.

To communicate effectively with children you need to be aware of their level of development and an understanding of