childcare level 3 Essay

Submitted By brittanyturner1996
Words: 4541
Pages: 19

Brittany Alexis Turner

CYP ore 3.1: Understand child and young person’s development

Task 1 -
Birth to 19 years
Cognitive and language
Social, Emotional & Behavioral
Form 8 months they begin to crawl, from 9 months they may begin to walk learns to let go of hands., begins teething., gains control of eye movement control of balancing head, roles over, pulls self into a sitting position and begins to grasp objects
Children of this age start to communicate with you by giving you little signals to weather they are tired, hungry or awake and alert. They can respond too their names and they will make their own sounds in response to sounds they here. They start to experiment with babbling and try to imitate sound.
They listen carefully and turn to someone who is talking, making noises, and points and look to get your attention they will also copy facial expressions e.g. smiling back at someone.
Babies will have started to explore using their senses e.g. feeling cold and hungry.
They will begin to recognize their carers and respond with movement. Babies will become more interested in their surroundings.
Beginning to expect things to behave in certain ways and they then start to understand objects values.
Finds mother really important, will talk to you using babbling sounds will starts to imitate behaviors of others.
Will not play nicely with other infants because the child doesn’t distinguish others as equal belongings.
Needs to feel sure that someone will take care of them. Becomes upset when mother leaves. Draws away from strangers, needs to be held and cuddled with warmth ad love.
Begins to walk, creep up and down stairs, climb on furniture, enjoys pushing and pulling, can begin to feed self with a spoon and can hold a cup. can stack two or three blocks likes to take things apart, pulls off clothing. runs,kiks climbs throws a ball , jumps pull push enjoys rough ad tumble play. Is able to manipulate small objects with hands likes to scribble, self dress and can build a tower of 6-7 blocks.

Can dress self and undress self.
Hand and eye co-ordination.
Vocabulary starts to develop. First words are spoken they can respond to instructions and repeat words. They begin to name objects that are nit there and start to ask questions e.g. what? Who? Where?

At this age children should be able to sort objects into categories e.g. all the cars but not all the red cars. They begin to ask a lot of questions and may be able to count to ten they start to understand what has happened and being able to look forward to what is able to happen. They begin to understand the concept of quantity such as one, more, lots.
Enjoys interaction with familiar adults imitates and copies behaviour begins to be demanding and assertive, independent. Waves bye-bye. Plays along but does not play well with others the same age is possessive of own things. Also needs attention of adults, is learning trust to know someone needs to provide care sucks thumb, has temper tantrums is generally happy although can become angry if another child interferes with Childs activity. Continues to learn through senses: still is very curious, has a short attention span, uses 3-4 worded sentences begins to sing simple songs, rhythm.
Still considers mother very important. Does not like stranger’s starts to imitate behaviors of an adult e.g. mopping sweeping.
Can do things with others such as listening to stories.
Needs to develop a sense of self enjoys praise often shows lots of emotion e.g. laughs squeals throws temper tantrums, cries violently. Fears loud noises quick moves
Runs, jumps begin to climb ladders; can start to ride trycles; tries anything is very active. scribbles in circles; likes to play with mud sand finger paints can begin to put inset jigsaws together, dresses self fairly well: cannot tie shoes.
Can feed them self with a spoon or fork takes care of toileting more