Essay on Unit 5 Cache Level 3 Childcare and Education

Words: 3875
Pages: 16

Unit 5 Assignment

In this assignment I will be covering the assignment criteria for Unit 5 which is the principles underpinning the role of the practitioner working with children.

The responsibility of the practitioner is to work as part of a team with other professionals and staff members effectively to bring children and parents the best possible service i.e. working with social workers, speech and language therapists, and family support workers. Practitioners must also have a working partnership with parents, to work effectively with the child as the parents are the primary carers and they will know what the child is like at home and what the child’s interests are. For example they would have a policy called ”parents as partners”.

Practitioners have got to work with other professionals when meeting the needs of a child with a hearing impairment and this child may need medical intervention to assist the child’s hearing i.e. hearing aids. They would work with a speech and language therapist to help the child’s language and communication, the child would have benefited from the multi-agency approach because the child will have learned specific skills that will help the child to become independent and hopefully this extra help will make the transition to primary school less stressful for the child and make it easier for him to fit in with his peers.

The main purpose for reflective practice is to improve the Practitioners own professional practice and seeing how their standards of practice could be improved, for example looking at their abilities and what they are good at, but also looking at the areas in which they could improve on i.e. lack of communication with staff and parents and this needs to be improved or making more of a contribution in team meetings (Teaching expertise,2008,,2012). They should set targets for themselves and plan how they are going to achieve these targets, this helps them be successful in their own professional practice. Reflective practice also benefits the other staff because the staff can provide feedback to the them on their performance, offer