Child development Unit 2 Essay

Submitted By littlepoo12345
Words: 2565
Pages: 11

Child development.


An example of a statutory service is a school. This is a statutory service as it is funded by the government or the local authority.
Statutory means that something must be provided. In the case of childcare the government or local education authority have a statutory obligation to provide education for children.

An example of a voluntary care is D.A.S.H, or a family centre. This is a voluntary care as it is funded by different charities and by the public.
The public raise money for voluntary organisations by doing fundraisers or by donating.

An example for a private setting is a private nursery such as Gwdihws. This is a private setting as it is a profit made service. A private setting is seen as a business, the profits that are made during this will go straight back into the business, or some of it will go to people who work for the business holder.


A statutory service such as a school supports children and families by providing a free education for the child. While the child is in school the parent can then get time away from that child or may be able to attend work. It also helps as it can support children though after school activities, if a child needs more support. They also help during parents evenings so that the parents get to meet their child’s teachers and get a clear understanding on what the child is learning during school and then the parents may be able to help the child at home with their homework for example.

A voluntary service such as D.A.S.H supports families and children as you’re able to go away to get a break from things, you also get to make new friends and your parents get to have time to themselves.
This works as they get money from the public by donating etc, also they get a small amount of money from the people who are attending D.A.S.H. So that they are able to give the children a nice place to get away to.

A private service such as Gwdihws, which is a private nursery supports children and families as it cares and educated the children while the parents are able to attend work.


The Children’s Act 1989 supports children’s rights as they;
Seek respect for children
They endorse the principle of non-discrimination
Reinforce the importance of fundamental human dignity.
Highlights and defends the family’s role in the children’s lives.
Establishes clear obligations for member countries to ensure that their legal framework is in line with the provisions of the convention.

(Tassoni P, 2007, Page 115.)

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is a legally-binding agreement setting for the rights of every child as an individual, regardless of their race, religion or abilities.

The UNCRC is divided into articles; Article 2 –
The right to be protected from all forms of discrimination
Article 3 –
The best interest of the child to be the primary consideration in all actions concerning children
Article 12 –
A child’s right to express their views freely; a child’s view to be given due weight in keeping with the child’s age or maturity.
Article 13 – A child’s right to freedom of expression and exchange of information regardless of frontiers.
Article 28 –
A child’s right to education with a view to achieving this right progressively on the basis of equal opportunities.


“Since 2004 all services in England that work with children and their families are operating with a programme known as Every Child Matters, which has been embedded into law.” (Tassoni P, 2007, page 16)
Every Child Matters goal is that every child no matter what their background for example is. It’s doesn’t matter, all that matters is that the child is healthy, safe and enjoying learning.

It has been proven that the first years of a child’s life are the most important thing and it could affect their development later in their life.

“Practitioners may for example plan healthy meals and snacks for