Child Development Associate Project Student Template Essay

Submitted By Clarissa-Pugh
Words: 644
Pages: 3

Child Development Associate (CDA) Certificate
Final Project Examples

Please note that this template is for you to use for the final graded project. Remember to use the examples as a guide when working on this project. Good luck!

RC I-3 Weekly Lesson Plans Age group:


Safe Environment:


Healthy Environment:

RC II Learning Experiences

Resource II-1 Science/Sensory


Age Group:

Materials Needed

Process and Teaching Strategies

How is this activity developmentally appropriate?

Resource II-2 Language and Literacy


Age Group:

Materials Needed

Process and Teaching Strategies

How is this activity developmentally appropriate?

Resource II-3 Creative Arts


Age Group:

Materials Needed

Process and Teaching Strategies

How is this activity developmentally appropriate?

Resource II-4 Fine Motor (Indoor Activity)


Age Group:

Materials Needed

Process and Teaching Strategies

How is this activity developmentally appropriate?

Resource II-5 Gross Motor (Outdoor Activity)


Age Group:

Materials Needed

Process and Teaching Strategies

How is this activity developmentally appropriate?

Resource II-6 Self Concept


Age Group:

Materials Needed

Process and Teaching Strategies

How is this activity developmentally appropriate?

Resource II-7 Emotional Skills/Regulation


Age Group:

Materials Needed

Process and Teaching Strategies

How is this activity developmentally appropriate?

Resource II-8 Social Skills


Age Group:

Materials Needed

Process and Teaching Strategies

How is this activity developmentally appropriate?

Resource II-9 Mathematics


Age Group:

Materials Needed

Process and Teaching Strategies

How is this activity developmentally appropriate?

RC III Developmentally Appropriate Books

1. Title of the Book: Its Not Your Fault, KoKo Bear
Author: _Vickie Lansky____________________________
Publisher: _Permit New York_________________________
Copyright Date: _1998______________________________

Provide a short summary of the age-appropriate children’s book.
This book is written for a child to easily understand. KoKo’s parents are divorcing and
He feels it is his fault. The author brings in some high points to help children to be comforted in knowing that they are not the cause of the divorce.

2. Title of the Book: _My Guy__________________________
Author: _ Sarah Weeks______________________________
Publisher: Harper Trophy____________________________
Copyright Date: _2003______________________________

Provide a short summary of the age-appropriate children’s book.
This is a story of two children who will come together as a family. In the beginning the two children are comforted in knowing that they are not the cause of the

3. Title of the Book What_mommies do best what daddies do best
Author: Laura Numeroff_________________________________________
Publisher: New York Aladding paperbacks
Copyright Date: _2006__________________________________

Provide a short summary of the age-appropriate children’s book.
Mothers and fathers can do a lot of things but what do they do best. The answer is made clear in this book celebrating what parents do in their everyday lives.

4. Title of the Book:_The Daddy Book ________________________________
Author: _Todd Parr________________________________________
Publisher: _Little Brown & Co______________________________________