Primel Konok
AP.USH Period 1
Chapter 8 ID’s
1. Person: Benedict Arnold: He was a general during the American revolutionary war. He is famous for betraying his country and siding with the British. He was born in the year 1741. During the war Arnold had shown that he was a great skilled leader and he also gained the support of George Washington. However he had many enemies within the military and in 1777 a group of lower class men were promoted ahead of him. This made him feel really unappreciated. This lead to huge resentment and at the time he was dealing with money problems as well. All these were factors that lead to his turning. Now Benedict Arnold is an infamous traitor widely known for the betrayal of his country and siding with the British.
2. Person: George Washington: He was the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He was born on February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He had never risen above the rank of colonel before and although his largest command had been 1,200 men he was a great figure who had the qualities of a leader and due to this was seen as a morale boost to all the troops. He was filled with great qualities such as patience, courage, discipline, and carried a sense of justice with him. He also carried an expense account which totaled to more than $100, 000 making him quite a wealthy man.
3. Person: Thomas Paine: He was an English-American political activist, philosopher, author, political theorist and revolutionary. He was born on February 9, 1737 in Thetford, United Kingdom. He published a pamphlet for Common Sense in 1776 which urged colonials to stop the inconsistent war and to step pretending their loyalty and just to fight. He stated that it made no sense for a tiny country like Britain to control a nation with great size like America. He also argued his idea that there should be a republic and laced his ideas with Biblical imagery.
4. Person: Thomas Jefferson: He was an American Founding Father, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence and the third President of the United States. He was born on April 13, 1734 in Shadwell, Virginia. He was appointed by Congress to concoct a Declaration of Independence. He was picked having already been known as a great writer. He did so in a great and eloquent manner as he came up with a list of grievances against King George III and also explained in a Persuasive manner why exactly the colonies had their right to revolt. His explanation of independence also upheld the natural rights which are known as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
5. People: Loyalist: Loyalists were generally conservatives who were educated, wealthy, and were loyal to King George III. The war however divided the families. An example would be When Benjamin Franklin was against his son, William. The Loyalists were the most numerous while the Anglican Church was strongest in the South. There were a lot less in New England, because Presbyterianism and Congregationalism tended to flourish around there but loyalists were also more numerous in the aristocratic areas. Around about 50,000 Loyalists proved to serve Britain one way or another.
6. Date: July 4th 1776: This was the date that the Declaration of Independence was finally approved officially after having been edited and looked over many times. This day is known as the Birthday of this great nation. Richard Henry Lee was the one who first urged for complete independence on June 7, 1776 and the idea was finally processed and adopted on July 2, 1776. John Adams originally wanted this date to be the one to be celebrated, but it was postponed due to editing and the awaiting
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