Superintendent’s Office
All employees, Field Trip Volunteers(s), Student Teachers, Student Observers, re-Practicum Students & Coaches
Pamela R. H. Angelakis, M.A., M.Ed.
Background Checks Law (Fingerprinting)
On January 10, 2013, Governor Patrick signed into law Chapter 459 of the Acts of 2012, “An Act
Relative to Background Checks,” which was further amended by Chapter 77 of the Acts of 2013. This state law requires a one time federal criminal history background check (fingerprinting) in addition to a
CORI check (every three years). All Swampscott Public Schools field trip volunteers will be required to comply with this requirement.
Unlike state CORI checks, that have no associated fee, field trip volunteers will pay a $35 fee for this requirement. If you hold a DESE license (licensed educators and specialists) the fee is $55 (regardless of whether or not you are working under your license, if you have a DESE license you are required to pay the $55 fee). If you have a pending application/license, you must also pay the $55 fee.
It takes approximately one month for the district to receive results. Therefore, approximately one month prior to the date of the field trip or after school program start date, ALL FIELD
TRIP VOLUNTEERS, MUST be fingerprinted and the results must be received by the
Superintendent’s Office prior to the date of the field trip or program start date.
To schedule an appointment to be fingerprinted. Please visit: http://www.identogo.com/BookanAppointment.aspx or call 1-866-349-8130
If you choose the North Beverly site, it is located in the Dodge Crossing Plaza (look for the signs for
Mathnasium, and then signs for Identogo).
You will be required to provide the Swampscott Public School Provider ID Code: 02910000
You may provide up to 10 district Provider ID Codes to eliminate the need to pay the fee multiple times. This should be done at the time you schedule your fingerprint appointment. Please contact the main office of your school for a list of Provider ID Codes for surrounding towns/cities. Results will