Essay about Case Study Analysis

Submitted By oreo4972
Words: 1594
Pages: 7

Case Study Analysis Paper
Tara Moreno
January 19, 2015
Yvonna Starr Carnieri
Case Study Analysis Paper
Many successful companies choose to utilize professional recruiters to attract some of the most qualified, top-notch candidates for jobs. While these companies are seeking well-qualified people to employ, they should also ensure the recruiters that are seeking potential employees are exceptionally qualified as well, possess strong analytical and communication skills, and demonstrate flexibility with their time. On the other hand, companies need to realize the importance of providing proper training to new employees and ensuring they understand their responsibilities prior to allowing them to work independently. It is ABC, Inc’s. responsibility to let Carl know that recruiting is a process and educate him on his role within the process and ensure that he is provided with a full description of his responsibilities as their campus recruiter.
ABC, Inc. hired Carl Robins as its professional recruiter and, six months into his new position, Carl recruited 15 new employees to the company to work directly for the Operations Supervisor, Monica Carrolls. Since it was early April, Carl felt confident that he would have everything in order for a new hire orientation that he had scheduled for June 15 so the new hires would be ready to begin work in July. In mid-May, Carl definitively informed Ms. Carrolls that he would have everything in place on time when she spoke with him regarding all of the necessities for orientation. However, when Carl reviewed the necessary files for new trainees after he had spoken to Monica, he discovered that he was lacking a large portion of the much needed paperwork that was required, and none of the employees had drug screenings performed.
To top it all off, the training room that Carl needed for orientation was already reserved for June 15 – the same day he needed it for the new recruits! Panicked and distraught, Carl does not know what to do at this point.
Key Problems There are several problems with this scenario: procrastination, lack of communication, and improper training are all contributing factors to Carl’s failed recruitment. To perform a job successfully, an employee must first be given a job description and understand it completely. Any part of a job description that is not understood should be clarified by the new employee. On the other hand, it is important that companies communicate to their employees the results that are expected from them and conduct a review of any training and development needs that the new employee may require for optimal job performance. In this case, it appears that Carl was not completely knowledgeable of all of the steps involved in the hiring and orientation process.

Ideally, a company should provide extensive, hands-on training that covers each aspect of the new recruiter’s job; including having the trainee shadow an employee that has been performing that job for some time then ensuring that all responsibilities of the position are understood by having the trainee demonstrating each task (Connerley, 1997). However, in this case, it is Carl’s responsibility to ensure that he clarifies any misunderstandings regarding his new position so they can be addressed before he begins recruiting on his own. Additionally, it is both Carl and the company’s responsibility to understand that they have a shared accountability in collaborating to recruit, train, and retain new talent. Breakdown of the latter leads to the problem of lack of communication: while Monica advised Carl in mid-May about the orientation, manuals, policy handbooks, training schedule, physicals and other significant issues, there was minimal follow up after that to determine Carl’s progress. It is quite apparent that recruiting new employees is collaboration among the hiring manager and/or Human Resources, and the recruiter. To ensure