Contents page:
1. Introduction
2. Task two (2.1, 2.2 & 2.3)
3. Task three (3.1, 3.2 & 3.3)
4. Task four (4.1, 4.2 & 4.3)
1. Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to ensure that values and principles that support health and social care settings are being understood. Also understanding of policy, codes of practice, regulation and legislation impact on health sector, theories in health care practice and how to develop and implement organizational policy.
Case study: “In our care home, some time ago a program has been implemented, in a hope that service users with an early stage of mental illnesses can live an independent life at their home. The program uses a small electronic device which can be attached to a cloth item, and gives the freedom to its wearer to walk out between 11 am and 8 pm. In case that a service user wearing this tag get missing, he can be tracked by satellite and never get lost. Such is the case to Mr. M, a 65 year pensioner, well fit and a sociable person who is suffering from an early stage of dementia, and lives with his daughter who is his protector. His daughter is happy to know that with a tag attached, his father can live an independent life, but despite her efforts, Mr. M forgets his tag and very often, he is found outside wondering without his tag. As a result, our care home suggests that Mr. M may need full care supervision. However, Mr. M doesn’t want to feel like a hostage in his own home.” Care workers have to consider, follow and implement theories, policies, procedures and legislations in order to deliver the best service in care system. Every care setting has a Code of Practice who includes employers’ responsibilities and requires care workers adherence to their code, supporting social workers to understand and implement their code and taking actions when care workers do not comply with the care home code. As a care worker, implementing and following the procedures, policies and legislations within my care home, it is a must in order to deliver a good care. Bearing in mind person-centred approach, a therapy developed by psychologist Dr .Carl Rogers, which is based on focusing on the person you care for, his rights, desires, needs and goals, means that Mr. M may be above priorities in our care home. In Mr. M case, his desire is to stay home with his daughter, where he feels more independently, and he does not want to wear his tag just because he feel his spending time outside is too short, since he likes going to cinema in evenings, and his outside time does not allow him to stay too late. Therefore, in my report, I write Mr. M wishes and present his case to my manager. Since he doesn’t represent a danger to
Josey (client) is a 28 years old separated single mother, living with her two children, Sam Aimes (15) and Karen Aimes (10). She separated from her husband Don, because he was beating her very brutally. Josey’s parents did not trust about her character because she became pregnant when she was teenager and so many people had sex forcefully with her. Nobody knows even Sam’s father’s name. Karen is the daughter of Josey and Don. Because she had separated from her husband, now she did not have any sources…
4/9/2013 Business and Economics Case Studies in Finance Technical Content for Porsche Volkswagen CSX Instructor: Maria Strydom Go8 AFF5300 Case Studies in Finance Business and Economics Technical Content Readings: Chapter 5 from John C. Hull “Risk management and financial institutions” International Edition (2nd). Pearson. Available from the M onash library Derivatives and their use Derivatives Derivatives are a form of contingent claim – their value is contingent upon…
in Year One you will be required to submit three case studies at module ten. The learning outcomes and construction of the case study should follow the Chrysalis Marking and Grading Guidelines that have been supplied to you. The length of the case studies should be within 10% of the word count of 2000 words per case study (not including the screeds). Case studies are a very important part of your final diploma. Case studies should only be done on the issues that you have covered in the year. They…
Case Study: A Nurtured Criminal I. Introduction The case I want to cover deals with a 6- year- old boy who is the gunman in a Michigan elementary school shooting in which another classmate was shot in the library. Later police found him hiding in a corner scared. When asked about the situation he told them he was just trying to scare her. Should this little boy be held responsible for committing…
1. Being the largest manufacturer, installer, and servicer of elevators, escalators, and moving walkways in the world, Otis achieved huge success in recent years. This case study briefly discussed how IT tools being used by Otis since early 1980s to achieve the significant successes and how Otis turn itself from an engineering and manufacturing company to a service company and achieve its long term vision. As a key fundamental information system, Otis launched its first centralized customer service…
Case Study GSCM 520 May 10, 2015 Case Study: Timbuk 2 Timbuk2 ‘s custom messenger bag has quality, which configures as a competitive dimension that drives sales. The fact that the bags are very durable makes it even more appealing to the customers, which makes the company gain comparative advantage over competition. The process of quality relates to the ability of the company to provide such reliable products. Moreover, Timbuk2 has a quality design that is very appealing for customers as…
submicroscopic abnormalities. We found the prevalence of chromosome abnormalities in women facing a single sporadic miscarriage to be 45% (95% CI: 38–52; 13 studies, 7012 samples). The prevalence of chromosome abnormalities in women experiencing a subsequent miscarriage after preceding recurrent miscarriage proved to be comparable: 39% (95% CI: 29–50; 6 studies 1359 samples). More chromosome abnormalities are detected by conventional karyotyping compared to FISH or MLPA only (chromosome region specific techniques)…
business policy. Decision-making aids and tools are utilized in the process. A broad spectrum of problems will be presented to students for study and for solving. Prerequisites: This course if offered in a student’s final semester. Learning Outcomes/ Competencies: Students successfully completing this course will be able to: Read and analyze case studies for real organizations Provide recommendations based on information from the readings as well as previous classes taken. Understand the…
The following case study is conducted in regards to a 34-year-old women diagnosed with pheochromocytoma after an episode of malignant hypertension. Pheochromocytoma has been studied extensively, and the pathophysiology has been determined to be a result of a rare tumor that starts in the cells of the adrenal glands and causes increased and inappropriate hormone secretion. The resulting symptoms of the tumor are unspecific and includes, high blood pressure, sweating, irregular heartbeat and headache…