case study Essay

Submitted By pgomez1718
Words: 1401
Pages: 6

Term: Spring 2014

Course Number: Bus 489

Instructor: Desila Rosetti

Office: 505, Calumet College


CELL Phone: (219) 508-0976

Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday

Instructor Background:
Desila Rosetti is an Asst. Professor teaching in the Business and Quality programs. She has over 20 years of executive management training and development experience specializing in the areas of management development, quality improvement, strategic planning and human resources.
She has a Bachelors Degree from Purdue University and a Masters from the University of Notre Dame. She is a past president for the Indiana Association for Healthcare Quality, immediate past chair of the Special Interest Groups for the National Association for Healthcare Quality, is a Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality, a Certified Training Consultant, an examiner for the Indiana State Quality Award, immediate past president of the Northwest Indiana Society of Human Resource Managers, a board member of the Society of Human Resources State Council, Executive Committee member of the Valpo Chamber, and a member of the education committee of the Northwest Indiana Business Roundtable.

She is also president, of Organizational Development Solutions, Inc a training and consulting company located in Northwest Indiana.

Course Time: 8:30-10:00

Course Description: This capstone course is designed to present an organized and integrated approach to strategic management and business policy. Decision-making aids and tools are utilized in the process. A broad spectrum of problems will be presented to students for study and for solving.

Prerequisites: This course if offered in a student’s final semester.

Learning Outcomes/ Competencies:
Students successfully completing this course will be able to:
Read and analyze case studies for real organizations
Provide recommendations based on information from the readings as well as previous classes taken.
Understand the analytical techniques necessary in implementing strategies.
Be able to identify which techniques should be utilized in each business situation.

Textbooks: Crafting and Executing Strategy Edition 18E

Learning Strategies: Reading material, Case Analysis, Analysis and Recommendations to instructor. Final Class Project
Grading Scale:
10 Cases @ 100 points each
3 tests @ 50 points
1 Final Project up to 500 points
Each week we will cover one chapter and one case.

Grading Scale:
A = 90 % to 100 %
B = 80% to 89.9 %
C = 70 % to 79.9 %
D = 60 % to 69.9 %
F = 59.0 % or less
**A list of questions for analyzing each case will be provided with each of the assignments.

Rubric for Case Assignments
Organization and Structure ( 10 pts)
Structure detracts from the message of the written
-introduction and conclusion is missing
-paragraphs are disjoined and lack transition of thoughts.
(2 points)
Structure of the paper in not easy to follow
-introduction does not preview all major points
-Paragraph transitions need improvement
-conclusion does not flow well.
(4 points)
Structure of paper is clear.
(6 points)
Introduction previews major points.
Paragraph transition is logical.
(8 points)
Overall organization of the paper is clear and articulate.
(10 points)
Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling (15 pts)
Paper contains numerous grammatical punctuation, and spelling errors.
( Up to 5 points)
Paper contains some grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. (6-8 points)
Paper contains few grammatical, and a few punctuation, and spelling errors.
Paper contains very few grammatical and a few punctuation and spelling errors. (12-13 points)
Paper contains less than 1-2 errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling
-language is clear and precise. ( 14-15 points)
Use of content/vocabulary from