CASE STUDY 1 for LO1 Essay

Words: 1007
Pages: 5


North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust
The board found itself facing service improvement targets. Using new corporate and clinical guidance, it set about taking a 'whole systems' approach to managing corporate risk, giving one of its director’s responsibility for the leadership of health and safety for the first time. Health and safety was also made a key item on the board agenda.
This has resulted in a much better integrated health and safety management system that increases the opportunity to identify and manage all corporate risks, and a much more open culture, improving reporting and monitoring. The board actively promotes a culture that gives staff the confidence to report incidents. This has

Use an appropriate structure for the communication and monitoring process

D3 Demonstrate convergent, lateral and creative thinking when evaluating your responsibilities within the organisation for communicating information on health, safety and security for service users

1.2 Assess the responsibilities in a specific health and social care workplace for the management of health and safety in relation to organisational structure
M1- Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions for assessing responsibilities for health and safety in the workplace. Make effective judgements as to how health and safety policies and practices are monitored and reviewed by a care organisation

D1- Use critical reflection to evaluate your own contribution to ensuring health and safety in a workplace, and justify your conclusions.

1.3 Analyse health and safety priorities appropriate for a specific health and social care workplace

2.1 Analyse how information from risk assessment informs care planning for individuals and organisational decision making about policies and procedures
M2- Select, design and apply appropriate methods and techniques for presenting a range of sources of information to support the Risk Assessment and Care Plan

2.2 Analyse the impact of one aspect of health and safety policy on health and social care practice and its customers

D3 Demonstrate convergent,