Business Law Paper

Words: 15495
Pages: 62

Business Law Term Paper
Legal Analysis of Dating Site User Agreement
Chosen Site: eHarmony

BUSI 2601B
Dr. G. Levasseur
March 8th, 2015

Table of Contents
I Executive Summary 1
II Introduction 3
Overview and Objectives: 3
Methodology: 3
Business Relationship: 5
III Clausal Description and Explanation 6
Document 1: Privacy Policy (3 pages) 6
Document Two: Terms of Service (five pages) 18
IV Application of Legal Principles 32
V Lessons Learned, Recommendations and Example Scenario 46
VI Legal Corrective Measures 49
V Conclusion 55

I Executive Summary
The concept of online dating has exploded into mainstream culture since the emergence of the Internet. Websites have allowed for the virtual facilitation of basic needs

A rough outline and schedule was established as a subsequent step. The paper was broken down into its individual sections, such as Executive Summary, Introduction, Clause Analysis, Application of Principles, Lessons Learned, and Corrective Measures and each part was assigned a time frame in which it was to be completed. The time line consists of deadlines for each section and its components and acts as a rough draft of the paper itself. Once a general concept of what the paper would look like was obtained, the actual process of formally writing the paper commenced. Key points from the outline/rough draft were expanded on in the body of the report. The executive summary and introduction were added first, allowing for further arrangement and planning for the paper’s progression of ideas. Successively, the analysis and explanation of the clauses form the agreement were conducted. Each clause was explained in a simplified manner in great detail. The process involved going over each clause from the agreement and simply rewording, explaining and justifying each clause. Notes on the previously identified clauses where legal issues existed were also included. The next phase involved the application of all the legal principles from the course to the term paper. Starting