Responses to Three Employment Law Encounters Essay examples

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Responses to Three Employment Law Encounters
Alejandro M. Quiñones Inserni
University of Phoenix
Business Law
January 16, 2013
Dr. Paul-Vilaro Nelms

Fast Serve Inc. is a 25 million company, which employs more than 350 people involved in the direct marketing of branded sports apparel. The company decided to open two online marketing and 10% of the workplace was moved to manage the online distribution. After several months, the company noted that they were being affected by this last measure and was going to have to take steps to ensure that the Company is not affected. I am the senior manager in human resources department and was given the task of having to choose three of six employees for layoffs. As responsible leaders and

Pregnancy Discrimination Act which says that any employee can’t force women to leave their jobs because of their status and if this is done it would be violating and discriminating against women. But after analyzing the situation was stipulated to continue his layoff because she has skills that are non critical and therefore would be giving his layoff with a more compelling reason. We have to be very careful about making decisions in companies, we have to advise us well and be very aware of all the laws that protect the company and employees.


Cheeseman Henry R. (2010). Eployment, Worker Protection, Immigration Laws. In Henry R. Cheeseman, Business Law, Seventh Edition. Pearson Education Company.

Cheeseman Henry R. (2010). Labor Law and Collective Bargaining. In Henry R. Cheeseman, Business Law, Seventh Edition. Pearson Education Compay.

Cheeseman Henry R. (2010). Equal Opportunity in Employment. In Henry R. Cheeseman, Business Law, Seventh Edition. Pearson Education Compay.

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