Business Admin Essay

Words: 2890
Pages: 12

Spring 2015
BUAD 301 Monday 4:00 to 6:45 pm
Professor: Colin S. Innes
Office: Mihaylo 4175
Office Hours: MTWR 9:45 to 10:45 am e-mail:

Course Prerequisites:

Grade of C or above in English 101 and BUAD 201, or their equivalents. You may not be enrolled in BUAD 201 and BUAD 301 simultaneously.
Course Description:

In BUAD 301 you will build upon skills acquired and developed in BUAD 201. Using these basic, but crucial, communication skills you will continue to produce documents but of a more sophisticated nature. Whereas in BUAD 201 the messages were relatively straightforward, as you became familiar with producing various types of communications, BUAD 301 calls

An appropriately professional demeanor in both the academic and business setting is crucial at all times. Expectations include:

Punctual and attentive attendance.
Refraining from eating and drinking in class.
Cell phones switched off.
Laptop use restricted to relevant class activities.

Students who display inappropriate behavior such as those above, or engage in other disruptive habits (i.e. too much chit-chat or fooling around with buddies) may be asked to leave the class.

Attendance Policy: After 3 unexcused absences your grade will be subject to dropping one third of a letter for every subsequent absence. Habitual tardiness will also be reflected in the final grade.

Statement on Plagiarism and Cheating:

Passing off someone else’s work, particularly written words, as your own original material is plagiarism and is a most serious breach of academic integrity. Students may be dismissed from the University for this type of gross dishonesty, which is an insult to the entire academic community, and anyone cheating in my class will