Diploma in Business Essay

Words: 1594
Pages: 7

Assessment Date/s


The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Performance objective
Demonstrate the skills and knowledge to manage the integration of business ethics in human resources practice.
Assessment description
Develop a code of conduct and answer a series of questions to demonstrate understanding and ability to apply appropriate standards of behaviour and business ethics.
1. Develop a code of conduct for JKL Industries (see the case study in Assessment Task 1).
JKL has a number of policies and procedures

You must submit: a written code of conduct. a completed questionnaire.
Quality specifications:
The code of conduct should contain information detailing the organisation’s standards and expectations with regards to: personal behaviour behaviour towards others in the workplace behaviour towards clients business ethics compliance with relevant legislation expectations regarding the use of information any specific requirements for individuals based on the nature of the industry.
Your completed questionnaire should:
Demonstrate an understanding and ability to manage business ethics in the workplace.
Demonstrate compliance with legislative requirements.
Describe reasonable behaviour and actions and support that organisational policies and procedures.
Adjustment for distance-based learners
No variation to assessment is required.

Questionnaire – Business ethics
1. Code of conduct
For the code of conduct you have completed for JKL Industries, answer the following questions.
a. How would you communicate the code of conduct?
The code of conduct will be communicated through all company policies and procedures, the actions of human resources, education groups focusing on ethics and through an agreement illustrating requirements that is to be signed by employees.

b. Who would you be consulted and why?
Line managers for each involved department would be consulted as they possess the information required to determine