Essay about Balls: United States Constitution and Federal Government

Submitted By dkasfjl
Words: 3512
Pages: 15

1. Federal government is the United States system of government; it means there is a government for the country while the states have their own individual governments. Unitary system, a system of government in which most or all of the governing power resides in a centralized government.
2. Expressed powers are the powers EXPRESSED in the constitution and granted to the Federal Government. Any powers NOT mentioned in the constitution. It can be IMPLIED that these powers are left to the states. For example, the power to declare war and negotiate treaties lies with the federal government as granted by the constitution. The constitution makes no reference to education and therefore all aspects of the education system are left to the state governments. Concurrent powers: A power that is shared by a state and federal government is called a concurrent power. The United States of America is an example of a federalist nation where concurrent powers are applied.
3. The tenth amendment: Part of the bill of rights, an amendment to the U.S. constitution, ratified in 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights, guaranteeing to the states and the people those rights that are not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution. The purpose of the 10th Amendment is to define the establishment and division of power between the Federal government and state governments.
4. State governments don’t have the power to, coin there own money, expressed, implied powers and inherent powers (inherent powers - powers which the national government naturally has to represent the country in relations with other countries.). Powers the state governments do have, ownership of property, education of inhabitants, implementation of welfare and other benefits programs and distribution of aid, protecting people from local threats, maintaining a justice system, setting up local governments such as counties and municipalities, maintaining state highways and setting up the means of administrating local roads, regulation of industry, raising funds to support their activities
5. Full Faith and credit clause is a clause in the U.S. Constitution, establishes and limits state powers of the states and says that every state must recognize and respect the laws and judgments of other states. The Privileges and Immunities Clauses are found in two places: In the U.S. Constitution in Article IV and the Fourteenth Amendment. It is also called the comity clause. The purpose of this clause was to make it easier to unify the independent states into one nation. This would be so that the citizens (not those who are not U.S. citizens) who traveled throughout the country would receive equal treatment from the states that they traveled through.
6. Home Rule: In the United States, the legislative authority granted to local governments varies by state. A state grants a city the ability to govern its own local affairs, this delegation of power is known as home rule. In some states, known as Home Rule States, an amendment to the state constitution grants cities, municipalities, and/or counties the ability to pass laws to govern themselves as they see fit (so long as they obey the state and federal constitutions). In other states, only limited authority has been granted to local governments by passage of statutes in the state legislature. In these states, a city or county must obtain permission from the state legislature if it wishes to pass a law or ordinance, which is not specifically permitted under existing state legislation.
7. Dual federalism (1789–1945) (from the ratification of the Constitution until the New Deal) is a political arrangement in which power is divided between national and state governments in clearly defined terms, with state governments exercising those powers accorded to them without interference from the national government. Dual Federalism established a very weak federal government with the powers to declare war, make treaties, and maintain an army. Dual