This course will focus on the analysis and evaluation of notable Supreme Court cases, together with an examination of the logic and interpretive reasoning used by its justices in making constitutional judgments. Emphasis will be placed on the historic protection of individual rights, and the ability of government to limit those prerogatives. It has been designed to appeal to students with interests in a variety of academic and professional disciplines, and to thereby enhance the learning experience for all. An underlying intent is to stress the value and importance of critical thinking. In that regard students will be encouraged to identify an order, a system, and the interrelationships between agencies and individuals in the constitutional law process. Upon successful completion of the class each student should have confidence in his or her ability to understand and explain to others the logic used in Court decisions and, to the extent possible, predict specific outcomes in future cases dealing with issues which have not as yet materialized.
Office: SO 223
Phone: Social Science Office / (559) 442-8210 Personal Office / (559) 442-8345
Hours: MWF 9:00 – 10:00 AM T-Th 11:00 AM - Noon
Notwithstanding the designation of official office hours, it is the desire of the instructor to make conferences available at times convenient to students. In that regard they are encouraged, if necessary, to request meetings outside the conventional times noted. Prior request/notice is suggested in order to ensure instructor availability. E-mail transmission is the preferable means by which to schedule such a meeting.
It is the intention and commitment of the instructor to provide current and accurate information on class topics to create a challenging learning environment in which students are exposed to new concepts and ideas as well as the critical thought process. A fair, consistent, and unbiased evaluation of student work will be provided. In accordance with existing institutional policy, your intellectual freedom and the corollary right to express and defend your rights will be guarded. You are asked only to respect the same rights possessed by others.
Day Date Event
Friday August 22 Last day to drop and be eligible for a refund. Friday August 29 Last day to drop full-term class in person without a “W” on transcript. Monday September 1 Labor Day Holiday Monday September 1 Last day to add full-term class. Friday October 10 Last day to drop. Thursday October 30 Research paper due in Section 29761 [Crim. 13; T-Th; 8:00 – 9:20] Friday November 7 Research paper due in Section 29760 [Crim. 13; MWF; 8:00 – 8:50] Tuesday November 11 Veteran’s Day Holiday Thursday November 27 to Friday November 28 Thanksgiving Holiday Monday December 8 Final Exams Begin Monday December 8 Final exam for Section 29760 [Crim. 13; MWF 8:00 – 8:50] Tuesday December 9 Final exam for Section 29761 [Crim. 13; T-Th 8:00 – 9:20] Friday December 12 Fall Semester Ends
Jacqueline R. Kanowitz, Constitutional Law, Anderson Publishing (an imprint of Elsevier Inc.), Thirteenth Edition (2013)
In addition to the required text, the instructor will periodically provide students with supplements and study guides. They may be in hard copy or accessed via the content section of the institutional Blackboard site. The question is often asked, “Do I have to buy the text?” In that regard it should be recognized that effective learning can be accomplished only with preparation prior to