An abortion Essay example

Submitted By cbenloulou
Words: 910
Pages: 4

An abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy. It uses medicine or surgery to remove the embryo or foetus and placenta from the uterus. Nowadays, decisions about legalizing abortion are not simply “black-or-white”. They require deep philosophical thinking questions regarding the foetus, the mother, personhood, autonomy of the person, the right to life, and balance of social individual rights. Feminists use the woman as the central point of the debate. Legalizing abortion has always been a mediatised debate in countries all over the world and is divided into two distinctive movements: the pro-choice and the pro-life campaigners. While the pro-life supporters generally argue in terms of the foetal rights, pro-choice does not favour abortion over birth. Pro-choice followers believe that women are entitled to make a decision based on the benefit of their well-being. Therefore, women are entitled to safe abortion procedures if the foetus represents a danger to their physical or emotional health. Abortion should be legalized since a woman’s self determination remains the main priority of decision making when terminating her pregnancy. In addition, carrying a pregnancy to its term doesn’t imply that the child will have the best environment possible and responsible parents. This is why I support the pro-choice movement which considers the foetus and a pregnant woman’s best interests. Abortion can be categorized into 3 distinctive techniques: therapeutic, elective or spontaneous. A therapeutic abortion is used to protect the pregnant woman’s health when it is endangered as opposed to an elective abortion which is induced for any other reasons. A miscarriage is considered a spontaneous abortion. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms has long recognized that the human body ought to be protected from interference by others (Kluge 312). Therefore, a woman who decides to terminate her pregnancy must do so without any interference from the state. Abortion is a fundamental personal decision that must be taken by the woman carrying the pregnancy and no one else. It is an ethical value that each competent person has the right to self-determination. Thus, how is it considered ethical to force a woman to continue her pregnancy to term if she doesn’t believe it benefits her well-being? A pregnant woman knows her best interests and the baby’s one too. If she knows she won’t be able to take care of the future child, why bring an unwanted child in this world and make him suffer? If a pregnant woman’s not ready to give appropriate care and love to her child, the decision for her to terminate her pregnancy might be the best one for the foetus. If a woman has the right to conceive children, she has the right to decide if she doesn’t want them also. The state or medical professionals should not have an influence in a pregnant woman’s decision to abort. Women must be acknowledged as full moral agents with the responsibility for making moral decisions about their own pregnancies (Kluge 341b). Hence, self-determination is a key ethical value that gives women the right to abortion. A zygote is not a human being; it is a potential person because it is undeveloped, immature and depends on his mother’s body to survive. We are speaking of its potential rather than what it is (Kluge 330). The difference between a zygote and a foetus likes in two main respects: “globally (increase in size, alteration of shape) and systematically (acquisition of major body systems)” (Kluge 336). Therefore, a zygote cannot be