The Aftermath in Venezuela
Jesus Hernandez
Strayer University
SOC 300: Sociology
May 5th, 2013
Venezuela has been on the merge of demise for many years. If we look closely they have been battling to save the country from outside reform. Unlike Cuba, Venezuela was fortunate enough to have a man by the name of Hugo Chavez. Hugo Chavez was born July 28th 1954 and was a politician. In 1999 Hugo Chavez became president and vowed to change the country of Venezuela. In 1999 Hugo Chavez fought and initiated the Venezuelan Constitution and participatory democratic councils. These implementations were the nationalization of several key industries. This raised government funding of health care and education. With this gain, there were reductions in poverty with oil revenues. He did what he had to do to save his country from going below. As hard as he fought, he was president on 2013, which marked his death. After his death, the country went into a slight panic. After Hugo passed Nicolas Maduro became the new president after a slim margin of victory. With the country in turmoil, society is wondering what will happen next and will the country once again fall down under. “Beginning with the nearly 32 percent devaluation of the Bolivar in early 2013, the government has struggled to fill the gaps between expenditures and revenues”. With this problem, many wonder how they can overcome this situation. This is not the only problem in occurrence; in Venezuela they face food and medicine shortages. With this being said, how we think about their situation as suppose to ours in the USA with higher insurance rates and lack of assistance. If you look closely we actually have more help than Venezuelans do but lack to acknowledge it. Hugo
Doctrine can be eliminated. • The Big- stick policy was regulate through Roosevelt, dealing with Latin America. • He supported Panama’s secession from Colombia in 1903, which led to the construction of the Panama Canal. • In addition, he added an aftermath on the Monroe Doctrine. Stating that the United States will interfere with foreign intervention in Latin America. • He transformed the U.S. Navy into international force at sea. • In 1904-05, he led negotiations to end the Russo-Japanese War…
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in North, Central, South America and the Caribbean. (See Appendix, Figure 1.1) COPA provides services from the hub of the Americas in Panama City, Panama and Aero Republica provide service to major Colombian cities and international flights to Venezuela and Ecuador, positioning the brand as the leading airline provider in the Latin American region. The company’s business strategy main goals are to continue to increase profit, improve its position as leader in the Latin American market by enhancing…
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