Advertising essay

Submitted By Orlando-Graziosi
Words: 427
Pages: 2

Orlando Graziosi
ID: 1702763

Have you ever tried two different brands of whiskey in one night? If you drink whiskey, and if you have ever gone to a dinner or a casual gathering, chances are that you may drank a couple of different brands of whiskey that same night. Did you ever notice? Unless you are a whiskey aficionado, or took the time to check the label, you most likely merrily pulled your whiskey down without giving a thought as to the brand, age, label, or any other of the minute distinctions between different types of whiskey. In fact, a majority of the general public with a taste, and stomach, for whisky, would never be able to differentiate between different brands of whiskey by taste alone. Why then would this majority, rich or poor, care about what brand of whiskey they purchase? The answer is effective advertising that appeals to different groups, lifestyles, uses, and in the case of the two ads I will be comparing, different levels of wealth. My first advertisement is for Jack Daniels “Old NO.7 Brand”. Standing out is the classic Jack Daniels bottle we have all come to love, with a pitch-black label, written over with white ink, that gives it a decidedly western old school look. Two other bottles, one on each side, flank the main bottle. Despite the background being out of focus, it is still visible that one bottle is facing forward and the other facing backward. On the lower half of the page is a warning, almost a disclaimer, that reads “Drinking responsibly is a