Advantages Of E-Learning

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• Auditory learners: Auditory learners would rather listen to things beings explained than read about them. Like to recite information out loud and having music in the background may be a common study method. Often prefers to be told how to do things and then summarizes the main points out loud to help with memorization.

• Visual learners: Visual learners learn through visual objects such as graphs, charts, pictures and seeing information. Learns better in lectures by watching them . Can read body language well and has a good perception of aesthetics. Tends to remember things that are written down.

• Kinaesthetic learner: Kinaesthetic learner process information best through a "hands-on " experience. Would rather demonstrate how to do something rather than verbally explain it. Doing an activity can be the easiest way for them to learn.

E-learning promises to provides a single experience of learning styles of auditory learners, visual learners, and kinaesthetic learners and thus result in several advantages.
• Interactivity engages users, pushing them rather than pulling them through training.
• Anytime a participant can assess the learning program at any time that is convenient.
• On-demand available enables students to complete training conveniently at off hours or from home.
• Self-pacing for slow or quick learners reduces stress

As discussed in earlier chapter that behaviourisms is occur based on the reinforcements. When student trying to solve maths problem they obtain either a correct or incorrect answer, which mean the system will provide positive or negative reinforcement. Cognitive focus on how information retrieved by the mind and constructivism focus creating meaning from experience. visual, auditory and kinaesthetic techniques can used to give student step by step maths lessons. Students can learn by looking at text or graphic based instruction or listing