A Career In Electrical Engineering

Words: 1276
Pages: 6

Those who know my nature well would describe me as a very pleasant, intelligent person, a good listener, very attentive and a quick learner. They see an effective communicator with excellent relationship management skills in me. I think one of my most distinguishing characteristic which sets me apart from the rest, is the diversity of experiences I have. I am a person with a technical aptitude and a keen interest in self improvement.

I chose a career in Masters in Electrical Engineering because I strongly believe that a comprehensive knowledge and a good grasp of fundamentals are essential for such a career. I want to develop the technology and design the techniques that augment the human comfort. Right from my school days, I had an inquisitiveness

I am a creative person and often think in a contemplative way about various issues of practical importance. Being able to identify patterns and relationships that are not obvious to others is perhaps my greatest strength. This will prove very valuable because an integral part of being a researcher is to perceive the balance between theory and practice, analytical rigor and intuition. I believe that this unique blend of experiences has made me a person with an original and authentic point of view, which has given me a broader perspective and a good understanding of life and a target to aim for. Among other things, I have this assortment of experience to offer. I am sure that exposure to these kinds of diverse influences would aid in the overall development of my
I am sure that Masters in Electrical Engineering at your university will definitely widen the horizons of my knowledge and help me attain a milestone in my career. The University comes on top of my priorities because it enjoys an unparalleled position in this field both within the US and in the world. I extend my hopes to study at Arizona State University, which I am, sure, will be the most logical extension of my academic pursuits and a major step towards achieving my objectives. I am a stern believer of quality, attitude and hard work. Thus I am sure it will definitely give me enormous opportunities of excellent professional