E-Business Chapter 1 Essay

Submitted By Superniki
Words: 1386
Pages: 6

Cybernetic system- A system with feedback (data about performance) and control (monitoring and evaluating feedback) that is self monitoring and self-regulating. Ex. thermostat
Data- Raw facts or observations, typically about physical phenomena or business transactions. Objective measurements of the attributes on entities. Ex. How many hamburgers were sold?
Decision Support Systems (DSS)- is a type of information system gives direct computer support to managers and other business professionals during the decision-making process.[1] It is a software-based system that takes the data input and produces information in report form. [2] These reports identify problems, forecast profits and analyze risk. Provide interactive ad hoc support for the decision making processes of managers and other business professionals. Ex. Product pricing, profitability forecasting, and risk analysis systems.
Effectiveness- of the information technology in supporting an organization’s business strategies, enabling its business processes, enhancing its organizational structures and culture, and increasing the customer and business value of the enterprise. (Efficiency is in terms of minimizing costs, time and the use of information resources.)
Enterprise collaboration system- Involve the use of software tools to support communication, coordination, and collaboration among the members of networked teams and workgroups. Uses intranets, the internet, extranets and other networks to implement such systems. Ex. Employees and external consultants may form a virtual team that uses a corporate intranet and the internet for email, videoconferencing, etc. of work in progress information to collaborate on business projects.
Executive Information Systems (EIS)- Provide critical information from a wide variety of internal and external sources in easy to use display to executives and manger. Ex. Top executives may use touch screen terminals for an instant view of text and graphics display that highlight key areas of organizational and competitive performance.
Expert systems-Knowledge based systems that provide expert advice and act as expert consultants to users. Ex. Credit application advisor, process monitor and diagnostic maintenance systems.
Extranet- The internet and internet like networks between an enterprise and its trading partners information technology infrastructure that supports the e-business applications of many companies.
Information- Data that has been converted to into a meaningful and useful context for a specific end users. Usually value added process. Ex. The amount of sales by product type, sales territory, or salesperson for a sales manager to review.
Information system vs. Information technology- Information systems can be an organized combination of people, hardware, software, communications networks, data resources, and policies and procedures that stores, retrieves, transforms and disseminates information in an organization. Information technology is the major concepts, developments, and management issues in information technology- that is hardware, software, networks, data management and many internet based technologies. (Chapters 5&6 cover data resource management and telecommunications network technologies for business)
Information system model- An information system uses people, hardware, software, network and data resources to perform input, processing, output, storage, and control activities that transform data resources into information products.
Internet- A rapidly growing computer network of millions of business,, educational and governmental networks connecting hundreds of millions of computers and their users in more than 200 countries. “The world’s largest network”
Intranet- The internet and internet like networks inside the enterprise information technology infrastructure that supports the e-business applications of many companies.
Knowledge workers- People who spend most of their workday creating, using and