Essay I Deep II
Modern lifestyles are completely different from the way people lived in the past. Some people think the changes have been positive, while others believe they have been negative.
Nowadays, there are many factors influence human life. All factors made traditional lifestyles became different lifestyles from the past or modern lifestyles. There are many benefits that the changed of lifestyles that have been positive for humans but also have some negative points which humans should think about, and find a way which can improve the solution and have a better lifestyle.
First of all, the two main points that bring benefits from the changing lifestyle and they consist of technology and education. Firstly, most things have been developed by technology. Many people can achieve opportunities because of technology. It is easier to do anything than in the ancient times. For instance, people around the world usually use some kind of technology that makes them feel comfortable such as mobile phones, digital camera and computers. All of these tools are new technologies which still keep improving continuously, and it is the significant things that have changed human lifestyles. In addition, an auto mobile is one of the best inventions which were developed by humans. There are many advantages of using car or other vehicles for moving. For example, all countries use the auto mobile for driving to everywhere. Therefore, people can travel conveniently because it is faster than the past. Secondly, education is very important today. People can use necessaries of technology for their study. For instance, student who does the project can search information from many sources on the internet.
On the other hand, modern lifestyles are not only
CASE DESCRITPION The 2008 film, The Secret Life of Bees, is an adaptation of the book by Sue Monk Kidd. The movie and book were set in 1964, in South Carolina; it was “inspired by the author’s memories of the civil rights movement” (Contemporary Literary Criticism, 183). Identifying information about the character, The main character of this movie is Lily Owens, played by Dakota Fanning; she is a fourteen year old petite white girl with dirty blond hair that lives on a peach farm with her father…
much as you want, and submit to the assignment page. 1. Think of some recent interpersonal communication exchanges you’ve had. Which communication model best captures the nature of each exchange? Analyze each exchange, identifying the components of communication discussed in this section of the chapter. Was feedback an important component? Were you and your partner experiencing the communication simultaneously? What was the context? What were sources of internal and external noise? Did you or your…
Changing to a better person is as hard and tiring as finding life in the universe, but it is out there. In The Secret Life Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. Set in 1964 South Carolina, about a 14 year old girl named Lily Owens. This girls is coming of age through predicaments loss and betrayal. She is haunted by the inconclusive death of her mother. She is isolated and lonely with a troubled relationship with her abusive father. Lily escapes with Rosaline an African American who is lily’s caregiver and closest…
The Secret Life of Bees, Sue Monk Kidd showed that Lily was not only on a mission to find a mother, but also to find the greatest definition of love. If Lily looked back on herself in ten years, she would have known that the Boatwright’s pepto bismol colored home was her lifesaver. After T.Ray picked Lily up from the police station, he began to scream and yell at her. Lily knew that what had just happened was the beginning of the breaking point for her. In The Secret Life of Bees, Lily thought “In…
speaker wants women to remain in their adulthood stage and again reinforcing the idea, that this ‘rose’ is the one he likes most. During this stage, the speaker is shown to have full male dominance over the women. For instance, the speaker wonders ‘How shall I fix you, fire you, freeze you’ immediately showing the male dominance in the 19th century. The alliterative use Simran 6K of plosives and increasingly long vowels displays his anguished to capture the women. His desperation is shown here, which could imply that women are like gifts and very rare…
murmur of the bees shouldering their way through… or circling with monotonous insistence…” The author gives visualizations, feelings, description of a location and details about bees that could be seen and heard. stylistic technique Stylistic Elements are the use of any of a variety of techniques such as irony,figurative language,sound devices, and structure to give an auxiliary meaning, idea, or feeling to the literal or written. By using simile,"From up here on the fourteenth floor, my brother Charley…
Natasha Collins Professor Wagers ENG 111-05 February 10, 2014 What not to do when you babysit Have you ever wondered what you shouldn’t do hen babysitting other people’s children? Well wonder no more my friend! Today you will learn steps to improve your technique and not get fired. Knowing all this will make you a great babysitter. No more mistakes for you! So let the adventures begin, don’t waste time and begin to read. Alright step one, do not let the kids go hungry, make sure to have…
Blueberries Introduction Blueberries pack a big punch for being in such a small package. In The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods, it was said that blueberries contain the highest levels of antioxidants compared to sixty different fruits and vegetables in a study by Tufts University. The antioxidants compounds of anthocyanidins are what cause the blue pigment of the berries. Blueberries are a great plant to have in the garden at home as well as on a commercial scale. Soil Vaccinium Cyanococcus…
In lines 7-9 she expresses imagery by stating "The span of my hips/The stride of my step/The curl of my lips." This type of imagery is visual because Angelou is trying to make reader imagine a woman. A woman who is proud of the way God created her, and showing how she can hold her head up high. The second example of imagery is in lines 39-42 where she states "It's in the arch of back/The sun of my smile/The ride of my breasts/The grace of my style." This type of imagery is visual because she's trying…
Tristan Coglon Professor David English 1301.701 7 October 2014 Battlefield The first thing you notice is the pungent smell of rotting flesh, from all of your fallen comrades and enemies. The unbearable rotting flesh masks any and all other things there are to smell. No one will ever realize how horrific war is until you witness it all for yourself. The cool wind that blows around you doesn’t seem to help to get rid of the disgusting smell, in fact, it brings in additional smells, the smell…