Richmond Tales

Submitted By zenia1234
Words: 323
Pages: 2

Title- Richmond Tales
Author – Summer Brenner
Pages – 206
Theme - When Maisha and Mario become friends, their adventures takes them on a journey to discover the "lost secrets" of the Iron Triangle, a district of Richmond, California. Their journey takes them back to Richmond in Ohlone times before the Europeans arrived; Richmond in 1915 when it was a small, bustling, industrial city. Richmond in 1942 when World War II and the Home Front dramatically changed Richmond and created one of the largest ship-building centers in the nation and forward into Richmond of the future after Maisha and Mario have grown up and helped make the city a beautiful, peaceful place to live.
Connection – My connection to this book would be that I am from Richmond. Reading this book I learned a lot about my hometown before it was a city. It actually makes you feel like you’re the one taking an adventure in richmond.

Opinion – My opinion I enjoyed the book its adventorous. I would recommend it to little kids that live in richmond or are from there. You would learn a lot about Richmond before it was a city.

Title – Skinny Author – Lbi Kaslik Pages – 244 Theme – Giselle is self – destructing , dealing with her troubled relationship with her father she has a condition called anorexia. So throughout the book you will go through a crazy rollercoaster through her life…….. Connection – I think a