Essay on Work-Based Assignment - M3.03 Planning Change in the Workplace

Words: 1986
Pages: 8

ILM Assignment M3.03

Planning change in the work place

Susan Thompson

14th March 2013


Page 3. Identify change
Page 5. Implications of the change
Page 6. Plan the change
Page 8. Communicate the change
Page 9. Continuous improvement

Identifying a change in the organisation

S.W.O.T Analysis Strengths | Weaknesses | Experienced dentists and hygienist in practice | Long patient waiting times within the practice need to improve service. | Practice is well equipped, clean and upto date with Infection Control | Practice on 1st floor via steep stairway not DDA complaint | Experienced nurses already employed and in situ | Lack of space having out grown current premises

Also the principal dentists, practise manager and senior nurses attending various trade shows and locations within the UK testing and sourcing various equipment.

With the expansion, cost savings, more cosmetic procedures, better time management and better marketing we envisage an uplift in both private and DPAS patients eventually increasing cash flow, turnover and profitability.

Patients – Ground floor access via new building plus access for disabled patients.
Now that an extra dentist and nursing assistant have been employed patients will find that waiting times for appointments have been reduced and surgery waiting time improved. Proposed change in opening surgery earlier or staying open later gives more flexibility to suit patient needs. New cosmetic procedures using modern equipment offered

Dentists – Pressure lifted due to some patients transferring to new dentist thus reducing workload, more time available to offer a better service and no longer feel rushed to complete treatment. With surgery time not over running they find patients are more relaxed during treatment. The working hours have been reduced giving time to allow the dentists look at treatment plans in more detail and add or discuss