Congratulations on choosing the ILM Level 3 Award, Certificate or Diploma in First Line Management. This Study Guide is designed to introduce you to the qualification and help you to complete your programme successfully.
The ILM Level 3 Award, Certificate and Diploma in First Line Management
Congratulations on choosing the ILM Level 3 Award, Certificate or Diploma in First Line Management.
This Study Guide is designed to provide you with information about the qualification and to help you to complete your programme successfully.
It gives you information about the work you will complete for assessment and there are also links which will give you information about the programme. Some of the information is provided to Some units are mandatory, others are optional.
Each Unit has a credit value. Credit means that once you have completed a Unit successfully, even if you can’t complete the whole qualification for some reason, you can still have your achievement recorded – you will get credit for what you have done.
The amount of credit is defined by the credit value, and one credit is equal to approximately ten hours of ‘notional learning time’. In other words, it is assumed that you will have taken about ten hours work to have been awarded that one credit. The work isn’t just time spent in a classroom or workshop, it also includes time spent reading and practising skills on your own, researching at work or on the Internet, discussing what you are learning with managers and work colleagues and anything you do in preparation for and completion of assessment.
Each unit also has a level. The level determines the complexity of the ideas you are learning about and applying.
ILM Level 3 Award, Certificate and Diploma in First Line Management
The Award is worth a total of 5 credits, the Certificate 20 credits and the Diploma 37 credits. The likely amount of work you will have to undertake is easy to work out from this – 50 hours for the Award, 200 hours for the Certificate and 370 hours for the Diploma. If that sounds daunting, it doesn’t need to be. For a start, only a small part of that is taken up by formal learning, 34
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relationship behavior. Typical responses to messages are responding very honestly and directly, asking questions if he is unsure. A typical response might be, “I don’t understand how your idea will work, so help me to understand how it will solve the problem.” (Page 222). Along with his communication, Hastings has worked on his nonverbal cues as well, no longer humiliate his employees by rolling his eyes at them or criticizing their input. Q2: How did Hastings change his use of feedback from Pure Software…
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