Women in Leadership Essay

Words: 2924
Pages: 12


Sofia Baka
BSC 407 The Effective Organization
Vesselin Todorov
Research Paper
March 13, 2008


1. WHAT IS LEADERSHIP? ……………………………………………………………..1
1.1 General Information……………………………………………………………………..1
2. WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP……………………………………………………………2
3. LEADER EFFECTIVENESS …………………………………………………………..2
3.1 Effecting Change in Women Leadership……………………………………….………..5

3.2 What are the characteristics of effective women leaders and what are the conditions

for effective leadership…………………………………………...……..…………...…..7

4. LEADERSHIP STYLE………………………………………………………………….7
4.1 Does Gender Make A Difference? ………………………………………………………8
4.2 How Will Men Cope?

▪ Are on time and present unless is absolutely necessary. ▪ Don't carry feeling of resentment. ▪ Choose their combats carefully. ▪ Express emotions ▪ Use common sense. ▪ Deal directly with the person who can make the decision rather that wasting time with individuals who can't. ▪ Solve problems effectively and not passing the solution to others. ▪ Learn what other people doing in the organization. ▪ Cope with co-workers. ▪ Manage timing successfully. ▪ Don't lie. ▪ Get informed by reading appropriate professional and trade publications. ▪ Discover their peers. ▪ Have better communication skills

To handle the challenges and begin the process of making great effective women leaders, women need to: ▪ Provided existing communication technologies can make use of effective opportunities and also provided by the globalization process to form alliances with men and women. ▪ Education is important for women to build and expand skills and disciplines which will allow various perspectives, growth of theories, procedures, policies and better strategies of self development for organizations or industries. ▪ Enlarge networking (as a natural tool of women), support each another, exchange ideas, as well as encourage other women to organize themselves and begin to learn how to use their various needs while understanding their values/beliefs. ▪ Accepting and put up with