Women Right Reasearch Paper

Submitted By ledablade
Words: 3697
Pages: 15

Liberty Global Studies

Women’s Rights Research Paper

A Paper
Submitted to Dr. James King
Introduction to Islam
GLST 525-D01 LUO

DeCarmen R. Mitnaul

8 May, 2015

Table of Content

Role of Women before Islam……………….…………………………......... pg 4
Women Role in Islam .………………....…….………………..………….….pg 4-5
The Role of Women in the Start of Islam…..……..….………………………pg 5
Women’s Rights According to Islamic Law………..…..……………………pg 5-6
Spiritual Equality…………………..………….………...……….…………...pg 7-8
Modern Day Muslim Women……………………..…….…………;…… .……pg.8-9
Women’s Rights Today in Islam……………………………………………..pg.9-10
Role of Women in the Modern Day Faith…………………………………....pg 11
Violence Today against Women in Islam…………………………….………pg.12
Conclusion…………………………………………………………………....pg 13-14

Introduction In today’s society it is often perceived that Women in the Muslim community have lived various years in oppression by the religion. The media depicts a women in the Islamic faith as restricted and subservient to men. Violence is shown against women such as acid poured in the faces of women who wish to peruse school. Vicious beatings to women who are perceived to be governed by an abusive husband. The media makes it very difficult to see that the Muslim society promotes women’s social roles and rights. In fact this portrayal has been in ingrained in the minds of many. Some women of the faith claim that these perceptions are those of few Muslims who have tainted the rights intended by In fact many women of the Islam faith would argue that the Qur’an is vivid in what is acceptable and unacceptable in regards to women in the Muslims faith. This paper aims to demonstrate the promise of equality for women in Islam was never fulfilled. In order to prove this thesis research will be conducted view the women’s right in marriage, head coverings, mosque and the Islamic faith in general. Furthermore, the paper will review the Quran and the initial promises made to women. In addition, view how historical aspect of how women of the Islamic faith were treated and if it lined up with the view of the Qur’an. There are several goals I wish to achieve. The First goal is survey the historical documentation of women rights in Islam. I will examine how Allah intended women to be treated in the Islamic faith and if that has changed throughout history. Secondly based on what is discovered will view what cause the deviation from what was intended by the Qur’an. I will discuss how the Muslim faith failed in fulfilling equality of women. Thirdly I will included today’s perceptions in the media to further support the thesis of equality not being fulfilled. The goals that are aimed to show if equality for women has been met as the Qur’an intended it to be.
Role of Women before Islam The Role of Women pre-Islam is simple they were considered property. Women were regarded as trash or a piece of property which men could do with ever they pleased. Women were either governed by their father’s or by Husbands. If the husband become deceased then the next man would govern her and hold her under his control until he allowed her to marry or pay for her freedom. If the next man in line is young once he becomes of age he could choose to marry her or give her away to any other takers. Women had no rights to have property or have ownership over anything. Women were considered in many cultures as a pillar of humiliation and shame. Women before Islam were deprived of not just rights, dignity and life. A husband could throw his wife in a ditch and burier her alive including his own daughters. Women hated life so much that they would kill the baby girl after giving birth. In addition, fathers would do the same because they hate girls. If a women did not birth boys men would dispose of the wives. Having girls was frowned upon for to major reasons first because they could not