“Man produces evil as a bee produces honey.” Golding wrote the text Lord of The Flies after his experiences in World War Two. He became more aware to how easy it is for a person to become such a vigilante for anarchy under the right circumstances. Through the use of objects as symbols such as the rock, masks and the jungle, Golding reinforces the ideas of people abusing power when it is not earnt, only being able to cover up inner savagery to certain point and finally the fear of the unknown can be a powerful force which can either turn you to insight or hysteria.
Through the symbol of the rock, Golding’s idea of power being mistreated when not earnt is strengthened, the rock symbolising the stability and power, having a red colour to which represents violence. At the beginning of the text a rock seems harmless, going unnoticed as it does not have much purpose to the boys, while they are still civilised. For example Jack leans against a rock on top of the mountain, it is explained as “[The rock] moved with a grating sound and went flying down the mountain like an enraged monster.” This foreshadows the end of the text when Piggy is killed from the destructiveness that Jack and also Roger hold on society. Jack is fighting for authority and Roger goes to the top of Castle Rock and “with a sense of delirium abandonment, leaned all his weight on the lever.” This released the rock which rolled down slaughtered the character of Piggy. Not only did it strike Piggy, but it also shatters the conch. Up to this point the conch and Piggy had been two of the only representations of civilisation on the island, when the rock causes both these two, to cease to exist, all order on the island is bought to an end and the boys, who express no regrets over the death of the incident, have fully become savages. This supports the idea of how power is abused when not earnt, as it shows how Roger did not think rationally but with “delirium abandonment” when proceeding with this task. When he put his hand on the lever, it is suggesting he is knowingly going to commit to this atrocious act of murdering Piggy. He “carried death in his hands,” because of the way he took authority that was not deserved, he was unable to control something as prevailing as the rock. The way Roger kills can be compared to Heinrich Himmler, the chief of the SS in the Nazi’s. Both Roger and Himmler liked killing and torturing, many times in brutal ways. This rock goes in parallel to a large piece of machinery, no one can take on the task of handling it straight away, it takes a long time to learn how to use it and in the wrong hands it could lead to disaster. Just like the rock and how powerful it is and when it was in the incorrect hands a tragedy happened. I believe the rock should be a symbol of admiration and you should only be able to have contact with it if you have earnt the authority. Golding has positioned the audience to somewhat despise the rock as it slaughtered Piggy, but it really signifies the strength and the power it takes for one to be killed, and should be valued for the brutality it holds. Through the symbolism of this rock the idea of power when not earnt is abused is understood as it is expressed to an extent where all civilisation and order was lost.
By using the jungle as an icon, Golding’s theme of the fear of the unknown can either turn you to insight or hysteria is emphasized. The jungle itself symbolizes the decline of society on the island, representing death and decay, being the lair of the beast. It shows how the darkness naturally present within humans is capable of ruling their lives. When the boys first land on the island “The ground beneath them was a bank covered with sparse grass, torn everywhere by the upheavals of fallen trees, scattered with decaying coconuts and palm saplings. Behind this was the darkness of the forest.” The boys may not be afraid yet, but we're getting a bad feeling. This passage, with its "decaying
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round the mouth.” (Golding 33). The boy used the conch to avoid arguments, fights and other shouting during meetings. The conch also represents society’s law and order- it is an important part of choosing a chief, and it allows anyone to speak when they are holding it in. as well as collaboration and democracy- it is a vessel of democratic power. “The rock truck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist.” (Golding 181). Roger had…
everyone; it just takes a certain situation to bring the savage out. In the novel Lord of the Flies William Golding uses the nature of hunting Of hunting to show the progression of savagery of the boys on the island to how the boys attitude and the way they act changes for the worse as the novel progresses. The idea of hunting on the island continually gets more aggressive and more savage and Golding uses this progression to show that there is a beast in all of us. The hunting in the novel starts…
Emma Hubacher English 9A--G period 2 October 2012 Golding, William. Lord of the Flies: Faber and Faber Ltd, 1954. Print. Jack of all trades In the novel Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, a group of boys must chose between exposing their wild-side or sticking to their civilization past when their plan is crashed on a deserted island. Since there is only a handful of boys that survive a, one of the boys must take on the responsibility of being the most influential character of the novel…
novels to add depth and meaning to fiction, while being able to convey a complex idea in a single word. In William Goldings Lord of the Flies, a group of young boys are stuck on an island after their plane crashes. In the story, Golding uses the specs, the conch and the beast to reflect the beginning and eventually end of civilization and order created by the boys on the island. Golding uses the character Piggy’s specs to show how the boys create and destroy civilization on the island. First,…
the Flies, William Golding illustrates different objects representing various things. He portrays their image as helpful and good in the beginning, however by the end of the novel, the meaning of the symbol transforms. The conch, Piggy’s glasses and even the island itself symbolize various meanings. The conch represents power and order, while Piggy’s glasses symbolize reasoning. This helps the boys survive on the “treasury” paradise without adults. However, by the end of the novel, Golding portrays…
William Golding’s Lord of The Flies helps us understand the challenges we face over the world from the 1950’s all the way to today. This a novel about a group of boys who get stranded on an island, using charters and actions he relates to the challenges going on in the world. William Golding reflects on some of the issues going on in the 50’s, like WWII, and shows us that there are ways to deal with them and that they can be used today on our challenges. The themes golding uses to help us understand…
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Golding’s Lessons of Violence In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Golding shows his purpose for violence to inform the readers about the sinful nature of human beings, so that the readers would understand the book fully, and would know the reality of humans. Golding shows his violence and cruelty of uncivilized boys making themselves as beasts in uninhabited and isolated island. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Golding’s purpose for violence is to show how many the orders and laws…
In the Lord of the Flies, William Golding uses the setting to illustrate the character and development of the main antagonist, Jack Merridew. The setting of this novel is an isolated and desolate island in the middle of the ocean. Surrounding the island is evil and desperation. The plane crash that lands the boys on the island creates “upheavals of fallen trees” and a “scar” left by the plane, which is simply a hole in the ground from the plane’s crash landing (Golding 9). The island, specifically…
of evil. It is one’s nature to do whatever it takes in order to survive. In Lord of the Flies, William Golding aims to trace society's flaws back to their source in human nature by leaving a group of English schoolboys by themselves on a deserted island. Golding choses a specific setting, uses symbolism, and character development to demonstrate his views on the flaws of human nature. Golding believes there is a natural evil inside every human being, which is suppressed in an organized…