What is evolution Essay examples

Submitted By taerea74
Words: 405
Pages: 2

Activity 1.7 What Is It? Elevator Pitch Rubric

5 Points
4 Points
3 Points
2 Points
1-0 Points

The information included is accurate and completely addresses each component of the assigned topic or research question.
The information included adequately addresses each component of the assigned topic or research question.
The information included inadequately addresses the assigned topic or research question. The information included is sometimes inaccurate.
The information included does not address the assigned topic or research.
There is no evidence of accurate content information.


The presenter effectively and creatively delivers the information while staying on topic. The presenter appears relaxed and self-confident. Body language, voice modulation, and eye contact are effectively used.
The presenter adequately delivers the information while staying on topic. The presenter appears relaxed and self-confident. Body language, voice modulation, and eye contact are mostly appropriate.
The presenter delivers the information but does not stay on topic. The presenter appears tense or nervous. Body language, voice modulation, and eye contact are inappropriate or lacking.
The presenter omits important information and does not stay on topic. The presenter appears tense or nervous. Body language, voice modulation, and eye contact are inappropriate or lacking.
The presenter does not effectively deliver the necessary information.


The presentation content has been organized using a logical sequence. The presentation is engaging and effective.
The presentation content has been mostly organized using a logical sequence, but some flaws exist. The presentation is adequate.
The presentation content has been organized using a somewhat logical sequence. The presentation is sometimes confusing.