Chapter 3 Applied Problems 2. Appalachian Coal Mining believes that it can increase labor productivity and, therefore, net revenue by reducing air pollution in it mines. It estimates that the marginal cost function for reducing pollution by installing additional capital equipment is MC = 40P Where P represents a reduction of one unit of pollution in the mines. It also feels that for every unit of pollution reduction the marginal increase in revenue (MR) is MR = 1,000 – 10P How much pollution reduction should Appalachian Coal Mining undertake?
If Appalachian Coal Mining decided to install additional capital equipment, they would decrease the amount of pollution that their company produces. This installation of additional capital Explain, using the appropriate p-value
Yes, Vanguard’s advertising expenditure has a statistically significant effect on the sales of Bright Side detergent. The p-value for Vanguard’s advertising equals 0.0128. This is less than 0.10, which means that their advertising is statistically significant. The p-value is “used to tell us the exact level of significance for a test statistic, which is the probability of finding significance when none exists” (Thomas & Maurice, 2011, p. 134).
d.Does advertising by its three largest rivals affect sales of Bright Side detergent in a statistically significant way? Explain, using the appropriate p-value.
Yes, the advertising by Vanguard’s three largest rivals affects the sales of Bright Side detergent in a statistically significant way. The advertising efforts of Vanguard’s rivals have a p-value of 0.0927. This is less than 0.10, making the advertising of the competitors statistically significant.
e.What fraction of the total variation in sales of Bright Side remains unexplained? What can the marketing director do to increase the explanatory power of the sales equation? What other explanatory variables might be added to this equation? 1-r2 (r-squared) = 1 – 0.2247 = 0.7753 According to the previous
assignment for this week. In the given assignment, we were asked to solve two problems. The problems are #103 a and b on pages 605 and problem 104 on page 606 of the textbook. The problems involve sailboat stability and speed. The problem ask you to “find the capsize screening value for the Tartan 4100, which has a displacement of 23,245 pounds and a beam of 13.5 feet.” (Dugopolski, 2012) To be considered safe for ocean sailing, the capsize screening value C should be less than 2. For a boat…
Strategic Management Accounting Trimester 1, 2013 Assessment: Value of assessment: Due date: Word/Time limit Written Assignment 25% of final grade Monday 6th May 2013 at 12:00 noon 2,000 words Presentation 15% of final grade In-class presentation Week 8 - Week 12 15 minutes Choose an Australia company and undertake a strategic analysis of that company based on theoretical concepts, analysis tools and techniques covered in Topic 1 – Topic 5. Refer to Written Assignment and Presentation below for more…
Behavior Section 004, Spring 2013 Instructor: Professor Warren Watson Office: 378 B, Business Leadership Building, Denton campus Phone: 940-565-3140 Office; 940-565-3803 Fax E-mail: Use Blackboard Learning System e-mail, if you have a problem with the system use You can access Blackboard at Office Hours: Face-to-face conferences are Tuesday & Wednesday: 1 - 3 PM (CST) by appointment only. Other Conference Hours by appointment…
11 weeks of ACCG 399. I classified it into two categories: one is about corporate governance, another one is about ethical behavior. Corporate governance means the responsibility and practices exercised by the boards of directors and senior management of an organization in order to achieve the strategic objective and manage the risks raised during the operation. The two aims of the corporate governance are conformance and performance. The topic from week 2 to week 5 and the topic from week 7 to…
1. Describe the kind and strategies of control applied by your manager to control the employees' job. Be specific by showing examples. In case you are not working, please, refer to your last job. Controls can be classified according to the time at which the control is applied to the activity-before, during or after. My last job was in OCASA, my manager was Lisebel Sardinas she is a good manager, she gave me the responsibility on my jobs and tasks day by day, the time elements in controls that I…
powerful resources of UC and our location at the nexus of commerce to create a laboratory for education, research, and productive partnerships across economic enterprises. The strategic activities that propel our mission include: Conducting basic and applied research in management that explores and informs the creation, development and management of growth; Providing degree programs that prepare our students to be effective managers and responsible community leaders with a deep understanding of the…
Principles of Epidemiology 211 will meet twice a week. Classes will include lectures, group discussions, and applied activities such as case studies. Active participation is expected of students during class. Assignment types will vary, including individual and group assignments and calculation-based problems. Credit and workload: PH 211 is a 4-credit course. In addition to 2.5 hours of in-class time, you will be spending a minimum of 2-3 hours per week in preparation for our class sessions, including…
system will continue to grow with world population. We grew a total of twelve brussel sprout plants; four plants for each group: control, commercial fertilizer, and organic fertilizer. The biomass of each plant was recorded at the beginning of our 5 week experiment and again at the end. There was not a significant growth in biomass from any group, as Brussels sprouts do not develop quickly, and they grow best when planted in mid-summer. Our growing season was mid-autumn, and the cool weather may have…