1. Describe the kind and strategies of control applied by your manager to control the employees' job. Be specific by showing examples. In case you are not working, please, refer to your last job. Controls can be classified according to the time at which the control is applied to the activity-before, during or after. My last job was in OCASA, my manager was Lisebel Sardinas she is a good manager, she gave me the responsibility on my jobs and tasks day by day, the time elements in controls that I considered she used inside the company is the Feedback controls; the major reason is because she evaluate an activity after it is performed, as example every Friday after 12 pm I did a report, and she evaluated how much I advanced in my job and…show more content… d. Effective controls allow for self-feedback and self-control. A self administrative control system saves considerable time. Employees can do much of their own controlling if the system permits them access to their own feedback. One of the things that I think OCASA need to add in order to bring a better quality of jobs to the employees, is the knowledge of how the customer have a develop inside the company because when I worked there the information of customers come day by day, but we never know how the customer paid in the past, and I think if they change that form the employee can feel comfortable and do a better job.
e. Effective control systems provide timely information, controls lead to positive changes in behavior if the control information is available quickly. Given every week the feedback, we can make adjustments but if the manager brings day by day feedback the adjustments can be do a perfect score.
f.. Control measures are more effective when employees have control over the results measured, people rebel when held responsible for performance deviations beyond their control. One of the characteristics of effective control which in my opinion need to bring more information in order to do a capacity to each of the employees in the manage and better knowledge’s of the economic situation, on this form the
The Living World, George B. Johnson, 2nd edition Essential understanding 5 continued Genetics, biotechnology and bioethics affect our daily lives. Chapters 3.11, 6, 7, 8.7-8.14, (part 2)Processes involving DNA Number of exam questions Protein synthesis (8.1-8.9) 17 1. DNA/RNA comparison Central Dogma DNA---mRNA---protein Transcription Translation Mitosis/meiosis (6) 18 Stages of mitosis and meiosis Terminology Genetics (7) 26 Terminology…
for cash: Essential characteristics: has feb, can be controlled, and as a result from past transaction Recognition criteria: probable and can be meassured reliably Recognised Example 2: highly specialised machine Essential characteristics: has FEB, has control and result of previous transaction Recognition: probable and can be meassured reliably Recognised Example 3: new artificial sweetener that company has developed but requires govt approval essential: has FEB, has control and result…
. Accuracy: Effective controls generate accurate data and information. Accurate information is essential for effective managerial decisions. Inaccurate controls would divert management efforts and energies on problems that do not exist or have a low priority and would fail to alert managers to serious problems that do require attention. 2. Timeliness: There are many problems that require immediate attention. If information about such problems does not reach management in a timely manner, then…
Unit 003 Help to keep children safe K1 – setting’s safety, safeguarding and protection and emergency procedures, what these are and why they must be followed, including controls on substances harmful to health and other key aspects of health and safety It is essential that all schools ensure that they take measures to protect all adults and children while they are on school premises. This means that there will be procedures in place for a number of situations that may arise, including the following:…
Introduction The purpose of management accounting in the organization is to support competitive decision making by collecting, processing, and communicating information that helps management plan, control, and evaluate business processes and company strategy. The interesting thing about management accounting is that it is rare to find an individual within a company with the title of “management accountant.” Often many individuals function as accountants within the organization, but these individuals…
division of work helps people know what they need to get done, which helps avoid conflicts from arising and decisions made by individuals conflicting with each other. In BAA this would help employees getting confused about what they have to do. Lines of control mean that if people know what they are doing, their activities can be controlled, for example: a manager of a department in BAA employees. Lines of communication are also important, these are normally in groups so everyone is aware about what needs…
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been dedicated to protecting health and promoting quality of life through the prevention and control of disease, injury, and disability,” (CDC, 2012, p. 1). The organization has a focus of decreasing the health and economic disadvantages of the principal reasons of demise and incapacity through diverse programs, thus safeguarding an extended, prolific, vigorous life for people, (CDC, 2012). This paper will expound on The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…
Escherichia coli isolated from broiler chickens. E. coli was isolated from the infected tissues of the chickens which were suspected of Colibacillus infection. In this study, distilled water, phenol phenicol and floxacin antibiotics were used as control. E. coli was sensitive to antibiotics, but distilled water had no inhibitory effect on the activity of E. coli. In this experiment, each of the aqueous extracts was prepared by using distilled water in 6 concentrations: 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10 and 20%…
facility, system, or function which provides the foundation for national security, governance, economic vitality, reputation, and way of life. (http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/NIPP_InfoSharing.pdf)In short, critical infrastructure is by definition essential for the survival of the nation. The USA PATRIOT Act specifically defines critical infrastructure as "systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, (Jena Baker McNeill and Richard Weitz, 2010) so vital to the United States that the incapacity…
Calcium Acetate and Arabidopsis Growth and Development Calcium is essential for all living organisms. Most soils contain enough calcium although not in a form plants can actually use. Calcium is known as an alkaline material that is wildly distributed throughout the planet. Actually calcium is the fifth most abundant element by molecular weight. Calcium is mostly found in sedimentary rocks in the mineral forms such as: gypsum, dolomite, and calcite. In some of the compounds, calcium is found to…