week 1 complete Essay

Submitted By bronie444
Words: 1260
Pages: 6

The role that McGregor’s Theory Y plays at Whole Foods, is the ability to see employees as individuals that want to reach their full potential. Even if there may be a chance that the employee may not think the same thing about themselves. John Mackey has an optimistic perspective on how he believes that each of his employees are self-motivated to advance (Kreiter & Kinicki, 2013). Mackey appears to be a positive person that likes to bring out the best in his internal, and external shareholders. As a matter of opinion, Theory Y is the best way to make a company thrive. There are times that an employee will be inspired to better themselves, because someone believed in them. Mackey also shares that an employee must be a good employee when they are hired. Good employees will flourish because they express joy about being on their job. The most intriguing proof that McGregor’s Theory Y plays a role at Whole Foods, is the fact that Mackey states that it is important to stand up for what one believes to be true, right, and good (Kreiter & Kinicki, 2013). The morals that Mackey expresses gives the impression that he has a history of biblical upbringing. Mackey’s way of applying Theory Y is inspiring to read about. His leadership abilities are strong, and he is the perfect example of how to be a leader when you are actually being a servant.

Kreitner, R. & Kinicki, A. (2013). Organizational Behavior. 10th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill

Whole Foods human capital is built by storming and forming a group of individuals that fits what the company is looking for. Whole Foods is a company that does not require a perfect resume or job history. Human capital deals with the potential of the employee, and what the employee can currently do (Kreiter & Kinicki, 2013). What Whole Foods is looking for is for an individual to give what they can give, and the positivity the Whole Foods generates will cause the individual to soar to a higher level. Whole Foods human capital is a valuable factor. The company must invest time in to the employee’s by providing an adequate amount of training. Training should be made available to give employees the opportunity to educate and advance in the company. Social Capital is built by providing a happy and positive environment for employees. Companies are likely to obtain social capital that is more valuable from alters who possess qualities, skills, know-how that are complementary to their own, and relevant to solving the particular problem or objective at hand (Seok-woo & Alder, 2014). With that being said, a company has to at least hire an employee that has some form of training in the desired area of employment. The social capital of Whole Foods, and any other company has to seek individuals that have the drive to be willing to be receptive to the efforts of the company’s attempts to build a bond between them and the employee (Kreiter & Kinicki, 2013).

Kreitner, R. & Kinicki, A. (2013). Organizational Behavior. 10th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill
SEOK-WOO, K., & ADLER, P. S. (2014). SOCIAL CAPITAL: MATURATION OF A FIELD OF RESEARCH. Academy Of Management Review, 39(4), 412-422. doi:10.5465/amr.2014.0210

I would locate Whole Foods on the very top Carroll’s global corporate social responsibility pyramid, which is Philanthropic Responsibility. I say this because John Mackey is relevant about being a good corporate citizen. His beliefs are expressed throughout the entire case study. Do good and you will receive good. Mackey strives to provide his employee’s with resources that will improve their lives (Kreiter & Kinicki, 2013). When a customer experiences a positive atmosphere while shopping at Whole Foods, it will create a positive return. Customers will look forward to purchasing merchandise from any company that provides a happy place for the community (Kreiter & Kinicki, 2013). However, my choice on the pyramid is not only Philanthropic Responsibility, but is veered towards Legal Responsibilities.