Haoqiang Feng
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Web Communication
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__Haoqiang Feng_____01/09/2014_
Q1. What is the Internet?
Fundamentally, the internet is a series of computer networks that communicate with each other in a unified manner, through various network protocols. These computer networks have connection to each other through cables, power and satellite lines, and operate under a network of servers that make up the internet. In order for the networks to operate, they depend on a networking technology that operates on the TCP/IP protocols. The internet protocols facilitate the movement of a bulk of information through the network nodes (Alvarez, 2012). Through the packet switching process, data from the internet can reach the destination computer after the breaking down of the data to enable its transmission. Several applications such as the World Wide Web and email depend and operate through the internet.
Q2. What is the World Wide Web?
The World Wide Web is an application that depends on the internet for its execution. The web is a sequence of hypertext documents that have common linkage that enables the formation of an information web, which web browsers then access. The World Wide Web is a common “public face’ of the series of computer networks, with many people believing that it is what constitutes the internet (Billy, 2012). The World Wide Web permeates the perceptions of the public concerning the internet. In order to access the World Wide Web, it requires the use of client software called the web browser, where the browser can access hypertext documents from the server. The information retrieved upon request uses the browser window to display the results of the search. Information displayed on the browsers is under the control of the hypertext markup language (HTML), which dictates the language of the displayed information.
Q3. What is the relationship between the World Wide Web and the Internet?
There is a common confusion among browsers between the difference and relation of the internet and the World Wide Web. The internet enables the transfer of information stored in databases and servers. Whereas the internet is a series of computer networks, both hardware and software that facilitate the connection of several computers and there is information transfer among these computers, the World Wide Web is simply an application that operates under the internet (Burrough & Paul, 2013). This means that without the availability of the networks that constitute the internet, there is no possibility of accessing the World Wide Web because the web depends on the internet to store its hypertext documents in the server, and later transmit them to the destination computer when requested by the web browser. The internet, therefore, is at the core of the World Wide Web, and the web requires the internet for its functionality.
Q4. What are three purported differences between the World Wide Web as it first emerged, and the more recent Web 2.0?
The World Wide Web, as it first emerged, had a low bandwidth, static display pages, blink tags, and animated gifs. Now, with the recent emergence of the improved web, referred to, as the web 2.0, there is further usage of the web other than simply being an information repository. The web is now an active interactive platform that facilitates communication, for example, through the blogs, YouTube, wikis, and Face book. There is increased user participation, with the users collaborating and improving the experience offered by the web (Herman & Thomas, 2014).
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