An integrated study of the Mpenjati estuary-beach system. (Biological component) Abstract A study was carried out to find the abundances of animal organisms between both sides of the Mpenjati estuary. Zooplankton, Macro fauna, Meiofauna and Fish was sampled .Each of the species that reside in the estuary contribute to the diversity of the area and are essentially driving forces, ensuring optimal functioning of the ecosystem. The purpose of sampling such ecosystems is to find out how the interactions amongst these organisms show a relation towards environmental conditions and how they could be affecting the estuary in the abundances that they are found. Samples was collected at different sampling stations were it was collected and At the biology laboratory the sample biomass was filtered through a GF/F filter to remove the formalin, all extra mass that retained in the polyethylene jar was washed out with distilled water. The collected biomass was then evenly split and placed into three counting trays were it was then analysed under a dissecting microscope. Organisms was identified and tallied using a booklet An Introduction to the zooplankton of the Benguela current region by Mark J. Gibbons. The abundances were then calculated using the following equation: Individuals.m-3 = total number of individualsvolume filtered
Meiofauna The meiofauna samples were collected along the beach side. A sediment corer was plunged a few centre metres deep into the sediment, 1cm of the core was removed and placed into a 30ml plastic vial. Added to core was 15ml of filtered estuarine water along with 0.6 ml phloxine stained 4% formalin to ensure proper preservation. Three samples were taken and the total area sampled was 0.000314m2 respectively. At the laboratory the core was then washed out with distilled water to remove the formalin. It was then transferred to Petri dishes and was analysed under a dissecting microscope. Organisms found were identified and counted in the same way as the zooplankton samples. The abundances were then calculated using the equation and relationship: Individuals m-2= average (sample 1+2+3)3area of thr corer = xm2 Macrofauna The
What is an Estuary? Estuaries are located around the globe on the coastal lines. Estuaries are one of the most productive habitats in the world. They are very important habitats for lots of species, and they provide us with a lot of resources. Estuaries can be important to our lifestyles and the creatures that reside in/around it. An estuary is an enclosed coastal body of brackish water with one or more rivers/streams flowing into it, and with a free connection to the open sea.They are mixtures…
BIOL 231 – Marine Environment Title An integrated study of the Mpenjati Estuary-Beach System. (Physical Component) Kutlo Thathe University Road Westville Private Bag X 5600 Durban 4000 Abstract This study was conducted at the Mpenjati Estaury which is located in Port Shepstone and lies along the south coast of Kwa-Zulu Natal. An estuary is a partially enclosed coastal body of water which is either permanently or periodically open to the sea and within which…
Wetlands A wetland is a land area that is saturated with water, wither permanently or seasonally, such that it takes on the characteristics of a distinct ecosystem Estuaries An estuary is a partly enclosed coastal body of brackish water(water that has more salinity then fresh water, but not as much seawater) with one or more rivers or streams flowing into it, and with a free connection to the open sea Toetoe(estuaries1) Botanical name is austroderia It is a large grass Tall dense creamy gold…
conditions are too dusty, all the works should be ceased and spray water in the working site to make dust down, and all workers need wear safety glasses and dust masks during working. | Sun | Sunburn, sunstroke, skin cancer | M | Wearing sunglasses and sun-proof hat and cloths, apply sun cream (if necessary). Furthermore drinking large amount of water or other liquids. | Erosion | Soil went into water can influence the ecosystem of estuary and may damage stability of construction site | E,I | Keeping…
Mosquito River, Banana River and Indian River with a total length of 156 miles from Ponce de Leon Inlet to Jupiter Inlet. It is a vital part of our community and environment here in Brevard County, Florida. The Indian River Lagoon is actually an estuary that is home to 36 rare, threatened or endangered species and the most diverse bird population in America. 27.9979° N, 80.6700° W Important Biotic Diversity The Indian River Lagoon is the perfect environment to provide a full time or seasonal home…
Aquatic Ecosystems Objectives B.4.1 Limiting factors. 4.5.1 Discuss the factors that affect aquatic ecosystems. THINK ABOUT IT We call our planet “Earth,” yet nearly threefourths of Earth’s surface is covered with water. Despite the vital roles aquatic ecosystems play in the biosphere, many of these ecosystems are only partly understood. What’s life like underwater? Conditions Underwater What factors affect life in aquatic ecosystems? Like organisms living on land, underwater…
this case, they are the natural buffer between various dissimilar areas: aquatic (freshwater) vs. marine (saltwater), often referred to as brackish; water vs. terrestrial (land); inundated vs. exposed. In Connecticut, the entire length of our coastline, as well as the entire Long Island Sound, is defined as an Estuarine ecotone or ,simply, an estuary. These coastal zones have a variety of defining chararcteristics: • Salinity, or the amount of dissolved minerals in solution, will range between…
miles (Folkens, 319). They migrate north to estuaries in the spring and back south in autumn when ice starts to form. Some pods don’t migrate at all, and are found in estuaries all year around. Estuaries are narrow water ways along coasts where the fresh water from rivers meets the salt water from the oceans. The whales migrate around July because they molt their yellow skin. They molt by rubbing their bodies against the coarse rocks in the shallow water. They molt annually to get rid of old skin…
Within the delta region, the river split into multiple braided channels and formed complex estuary and terrestrial ecosystems. Use of water upstream and the accompanying reduction of fresh water flow has resulted in loss of most of the wetlands of the area, as well as drastic changes to the aquatic ecosystems. However, a scheme is currently in place which aims to rejuvenate the wetlands by releasing a pulse of water down the river delta.[2] Until the early 20th century the Colorado River ran free from…
face as result of our own activities. Studies have been carried out to understand the problems, assess the risks, and perform restorations works by different governmental and non-governmental organizations. Among these are 1. The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), for web site click here 2. The US Army Core of Engineers, web site here 3. Everglades Trust, web site here 4. Everglades Foundation, web site here You will use the information available on the web pages of…