Essay about Violence: Intimate Partner Violence

Submitted By HoopzNPearls1
Words: 1166
Pages: 5

Domestic violence can best be describe as violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner according to the Oxford English Dictionary. The dictionary of American English phrase “domestic violence as” typically refers to violence between adult intimate partners. It has been estimated that every year there are about 3.3 to 10 million children exposed to domestic violence in the confines of their own home (). According to research conducted by John W. Fantuzzo and Wanda K. Mohr exposure to domestic violence can include watching or hearing the violent events and direct involvement.
Domestic violence is expressed using intimate acts is unfortunately as timeless as history. The history f it started from rape and other sexual activitieson have been used to demoralize groups of people as in German concentration camps, on North America-bound slave ships, and in World War II Japanese brothels filled with violence against women include fastening or buckling together, as in binding of feet, or of the female genitalia in an effort to render less able to walk or render unable to have sexual intercourse, respectively) and female genital cutting, All the world's societies view or have viewed women as less valuable than men. From "honor" killings of women for being rape victims or having premarital sex in some countries, to women being omitted from serving on juries in the United States until 1701 and prevented from voting until 1920, the view that women are somehow second-class citizens encourages mistreatment of women.
Domestic violence is present in almost every society of the world. The term can be classified on various bases. Violence against spouse, children or elderly is few of some commonly encountered cases. There are various kinds of tactics that are adopted by the attacker against the victim. Physical abuse, emotional abuse, psychological abuse or deprivation, economical deprivation/ abuse, etc. are the most common kinds of abuses that are faced by the victims.
The effects of domestic violence abuse can lead to major health and public-health consequences. Between 25%-50% of homeless families have lost their homes as a result of intimate partner abuse. Such victimization is also associated with nearly $6 billion in health-care costs and lost work productivity per year. Although psychological abuse can be harder to define than overt physical abuse, it has been found to cause at least as much damage.Partner abuse of pregnant women has been associated with preterm deliveries of low-birth-weight babies. Domestic partner abuse puts children of the couple at risk for lower intellectual functioning, being victims of child abuse as children, and of intimate partner violence as adults. This form of family violence also puts children at higher risk of having emotional problems and engaging in drug abuse. Given such risks, the presence of intimate partner abuse in a family should be an important consideration in child custody issues. Domestic violence results in homicide as well. Victims who live in a household where weapons are present and drugs are used have a greater risk of being killed by their abuser. Although there is no specific cause for domestic violence, women at the highest risk for being the victim of domestic violence include those with male partners who abuse drugs (especially alcohol), are unemployed or underemployed, have not graduated from high school, and are or have been in a romantic relationship with the victim. Unmarried individuals in heterosexual relationships tend to be more at risk for becoming victims of intimate partner abuse. A mind-set that gives men power over women puts individuals at risk for becoming involved in an abusive relationship, either as a perpetrator or as a victim
There are many warning signs for friends, family members, and coworkers for recognizing people who may be victims of intimate partner abuse. Specifically, teens, men, or