U.S. Failure in Vietnam The Vietnam War was one of the most controversial and bloodiest wars in United States history. This war was unique, because it was the first war that media outlets covered it to an extreme, bringing graphic images of the war to homes across the country. The question many historians will ask about this war is how could the U.S, the most powerful military in the world, lose despite winning every major battle? That is where this essay will go into how a defeat in Vietnam started all the way back during World War One and was finally assured in 1975. Ho Chi Minh’s long journey to try and earn independency started after he left Vietnam for France. However, his involvement with the United States does not start until the end of World War I. Minh idolized the American way of democracy and especially loved the idea that anyone in the country could vote. After hearing about Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points, Minh wanted to talk to him about the freedom of Vietnam from France. He never made it past the gates of the U.S. Embassy and that is where is struggle with the U.S begins. His next encounter is during World War II where Minh and his followers made a deal with the American Office of Strategic Services (OSS) to help them rescue downed fighter pilots and sabotage Japanese instillations. In return the OSS had promised Minh the freedom of Vietnam from outside rulers. After the war had ended however and Minh had declared their freedom, British soldiers came to secure Saigon. The OSS was gone by this point and the heads of the U.S. Government had no idea about the agreement, which left Minh and his people in the mercy of French control. These two instances forced Minh to commit himself to the Communist cause in order to receive aide in the fight to free his country. After the embarrassing defeat of the French by the Vietnamese at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 a peace agreement was made. Vietnam would be split in two at the 17th parallel and after two years time an election for complete control of Vietnam will be held. At this time however Eisenhower and the U.S. Government have decided to take France’s place in South Vietnam.
The Unites States’ main reason for wanting to control Vietnam was the idea of containment. They felt if Vietnam was lost to Communism then the entire Pacific would fall under its’ curtain. That is why they set up a democratic South Vietnam and even helped put Diem in charge of the South instead of Dai. Now by this time the U.S. had not only bankrolled the French operation in Vietnam, but not they were bankrolling the corrupt Diem regime.
U.S. now firmly involved in Vietnam experienced small fighting against Vietcong groups. The first of which came when several small patrol boats attacked the USS Maddox. After the attack that left the Maddox with several minor injuries the USS Turner Joy joined it. This attack left the Maddox on high alert and when a radar malfunction led to what was believed to be a second attack tensions between the U.S and North Vietnam grew.
Now with tensions growing Lyndon B. Johnson came up with the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in order to gain more control of military forces. The slowly rising tensions between these two sides are so great now a conflict was almost inevitable. After several VC attacks including one on an American airport LBJ authorizes operation Rolling Thunder, leading to the bombing of North Vietnam.
This led to arguably the most important battle of the entire war. The Ia Drang Valley was the stage for this critical battle. In this battle the members of the U.S. 1st Calvary were heavily outnumbered by the NVA, but managed to use artillery and airpower to hold their landing zone forcing the NVA to retreat, claiming victory for United States. However, after that battle U.S. soldiers traveling to LZ Albany were ambushed and suffered heavy losses at the hands of the NVA. Even with those loses U.S. officials claimed victory, because of the high kill to
themselves. During World War 2 the French were invaded by Germany and they lost their control of Vietnam. Soon the Japanese would seek control of Vietnam and occupied them until 1945. They pulled out after World War 2, probably because they were crippled after the war. The United States defeated the Japanese in World War 2 and soon enough we saw North Vietnam a threat. Ho Chi Minh occupied North Vietnam and influenced by the ideology of communism. France went back to Vietnam because they disagreed…
Introduction……………………………………………………………………………… 2 Causes of the war…………………...…………………………………………………… 3 United States Involvement in the war………………………………………………….. 4 The Vietcong……………………………………………………………………………. 5 Australia Involvement in war…………………………………………………………… 7 The Vietnam War Timeline……………………………………………………………. 9 The War Aftermath…………………………………………………………………….. 10 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………. 11 Works Cited…………………………………………………………………………….. 13 Vietnam War Introduction The Vietnam War took place between 1955…
THE VIETNAM WAR The Vietnam War was fought to protect democracy and prevent Asia from falling into communist control. It started when France lost control of Vietnam during World War II. When the Viet-Minh led by communist leader Ho Chi-Minh took Hanoi the capitol of Vietnam. Ho Chi-Minh then declared Vietnam an independent country, but France refused to recognize Ho Chi-Minh’s declaration and returned to Vietnam. This caused Ho Chi-Minh’s forces to attack French forces starting the First…
Vietnam War J.Gibbon CHA3U T.Rotskas 30/05/14 By far one of the most significant war and one of the most controversial wars in American History is the Vietnam War. Considerably the most unsuccessful war, although it was extremely influential impact to America. The Vietnam War was a controversial event across the United States in the late 60’s up to the early 70’s. Not because of the fact that the US was losing the war, but for every other aspect as well. What was it really worth? Was…
The Vietnam War The Vietnam War was a brutal and very costly war. The U.S.A got in a fight to try and resist the spreading of communism. I believe the war was costly but the U.S.A did have good reasons for getting involved. Chapter 51 The decisive battle of the First Indochina War began in March 1954, when Viet Minh launched a surprise attack on a large French military base at Dien Bien Phu, in the mountains of northern Vietnam. They soon had the base surrounded. They soon had the base surrounded…
The Vietnam War After World War II ended, the world was polarized. The Communist World, was composed of the Soviet Union and its satellites and allies, and the powers of the Western world, was composed of the United States and its allies. They have different political systems and opposite ideologies. Both of them want to expand their influence in the world. So, they clashed with each other. Since World War II just ended, both of their powers greatly weakened by the war, so they did…
December 3, 2014 Vietnam War The United States got involved in Vietnam was to stop the “Domino Theory.” The domino theory is when a country becomes Communist then another becomes Communist. We got involved to help the French, who were trying to fight them before we even got involved. In July of 1950 The United States Pledged fifteen million worth of military aid to help France fight Vietnam. In the 50s Eisenhower sent advisors to help train French to retaliate against Vietnam and in the 60s JFK…
have included a list of movies that are set during the Vietnam War. I feel that each movie showed a different and emotionally raw part of what war truly looks like on the front line. First Full Metal Jacket is a movie that follows soldier from two different views the first is boot camp and later when they are shipped off to fight during the war. I think it would be beneficial for students to see this movie because it shows our approach as a military at that time to break down our soldiers to find…
1975, The United States was involved in The Vietnam War, the longest ever fought by the United States. This war was a struggle of power between North Vietnam, which was supported by its communist allies, and South Vietnam, which was backed by the United States. To this day, the involvement of the United States in Vietnam remains a topic of great debate. It is difficult to pinpoint the exact origin and reason for the US intervention in Vietnam. Vietnam was previously a French Colony. However, France…
The Vietnam War was from 1959 to 1975. Vietnam was fighting even before the war began. It was said to be the greatest generation of fighters. The French ruled Vietnam, it has five colonies that were smaller, Tonkin (North Vietnam), Cochin-China (South Vietnam), Annam (mainly in the mountains) and Loas and Cambodia. In December 1941, Japanese attacked the colonies of Singapore and Malaya. President Roosevelt didn’t like the Indochina government because they were with Japan during the war. They…