Essay about Verbal Communication

Submitted By katiepoynter
Words: 737
Pages: 3

Verbal Communication
Verbal communication refers to the use of sounds and language to relay a message. It serves as a vehicle for expressing desires, ideas and concepts and is vital to the processes of learning and teaching. Verbal communication acts as the primary tool for expression between two or more people. Read more:

A tone of voice can tell us how the speaker is feeling. If they deliver something in an unpleasant or rude way, then they could be annoyed, or angry, maybe even upset with you, but if they say it in a cheerful way, then they are obviously quite calm.
How does tone affect our Communication skills?
If you make it sound as if you're annoyed at someone, they are going to get nervous around you. Tone is like an attitude, but is spoken. You need to present your tone in an appropriate manner, or people are going to take the things you say the wrong way.

Pitch is how high or low your voice is. Normally a man's pitch is lower than a woman's, because women have shorter vocal cords.
How does pitch interpret different meanings to our speech?
If you walk into a room and your voice's pitch is quite high, people quite often assume that you're a bit excited, but if your pitch is low, you might come across as depressed and down in the blues.

Pace is how fast or slow you speak. Speaking fast, but with a quiet tone and often messing up words, comes across as you being shy and nervous, but speaking neutral can make the person you're talking with more confident in you.
Why does pace make a difference to the way we speak?
We need to get our pace correct for the right situation, if you come across as nervous, the people speaking with you won't feel very safe in your care. Try to speak with a normal pace in most situations, or if talking to and old person, or maybe someone with disabilities, you should speak slower and pronounce your words more clearer, and louder so they understand better.

Formal is the 'correct' way of speaking. Most of the time you would speak formally to others, it is the way of addressing people you don't know. Most adults and pensioners prefer, and understand, using formal language rather than informal language.
Informal is more of a way of addressing friends and family, or just generally people you know. More teenagers prefer using 'slang' which is a form of informal language, so would come as a more appropriate use to them rather that adults.
Speaking in the correct way in the right situation

Overall, you should try and not to come across as shy. If you act uncomfortable or nervous, people aren't going to trust you.
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