Essay about Vark: Learning Styles and Kinesthetic Learners

Submitted By stephk12587
Words: 899
Pages: 4

"The VARK Questionnaire: How Do I Learn Best?" Grand Canyon University: NRS-429V
June 30, 2013

The VARK survey was designed from several essentials that are connected with student’s favored learning preferences. The questionnaire aides in pinpointing your individual learning approaches and ways that you can utilize these methods. VARK questionnaire is established on four results with five different learning strategies; multimodal, visual, aural, read-write, kinesthetic. Everyone’s learning experience is individual and unique, however this questionnaire can assist in determining which learning method can benefit you personally. Researchers have learned that by identifying an individuals preferred learning style and implementing adjustment into ones studies, students have had a much better success rate overall throughout their schooling career.
Kinesthetic learners learn best by being active with their bodies, moving their muscles, discovering, exploring, and doing as one acquires knowledge. Better known as "hands-on learners" or the "doers.” Although it has been discovered that only roughly fifteen percent of the population are kinesthetic learners it has been proven that all students that participate actively and physically in their educational experience have had a much higher success rate. These individuals learn better when in motion or physically conducting an activity rather than being confined to a room while sitting and listening for hours to lectures. All senses should be involved to improve a better understand of information being presented to this type of learner. Kinesthetic learners have been known to tap their feet while learning, shake their legs while siting, or fidget with items. These learners often obtain the title of hyperactive as children. Usually as children these learners perform well as athletes, dancers, or artists (sculpting, or using tools) because of their excellent sense of coordination. Suggestions for those that are kinesthetic learners would be to turn your learning into a physical experience. For example, act out what you’ve learned while studying, draw pictures, and minimize notes. While taking notes its recommended to compact information into shorter paragraphs rather than lengthy page long notes. Also, incorporate personal experiences into learning as often as possible. Turn notes or reading material into practice questions or trivia style games.
After taking the VARK questionnaire I discovered that I myself am a kinesthetic learner. Many of these explanations of kinesthetic learners describe my learning experiences very well. Growing up it was very difficult to maintain concentration during classroom lectures, and focus on the material being presents by a teacher, professor, or presenter. This struggle can make grade school extremely challenging for students. Many of the suggested learning styles researched of kinesthetic learners explain my learning preferences perfectly. Also, creating games or questions based on notes taken is an excellent idea for kinesthetic learners to engage in during their studies. This helped me a bunch all throughout nursing school. We would take modules from the lectures presented in class and create question answer games to help with memory for exams. After one semester of doing this, we noticed our test scores had improved remarkably since the previous semester when this study method was not in effect.
Some changes I’d like to make to my studies have been influenced by the VARK questionnaire. For example, some techniques suggested for those that learn Kinesthetically should be added to my learning practices as well. In the past my notes have been known to be exceptionally lengthy, and drawn out. This is due to the fact that during lectures, since I am not intrigued or entertained by