Ur Mom Essay

Submitted By johnpapa2
Words: 1551
Pages: 7

Primary VS Secondary Reality in relation to objective truth p12-15
Primary Reality: objective facts that lie outside the mind
Secondary Reality: subjective opinions that are made and exists inside the mind
Only can become fact if there is evidence from outside supporting it
“A judgment is said to be true if it conforms to the external reality”- St Thomas Aquinas

The 5 steps to acquire knowledge and Validate opinions p16-27
Perceive, Categorize, Evaluation, Expression and Critiquing
Perception: All information comes to us through our sense
“all things are perceived in the mode of the receiver” St Thomas
Based on how we are at the moment and our life experiences each stimuli effects us differently
Categorize: its human nature to organize things this makes us feel secure, and gives us mental comfort
Over categorizing can leads to; fear of judgments, and oversimplification
Evaluation: (Discrimination or Discrimine) making judgments about the worth of things/separating the worthwhile from the worthless effected by our background ie. Prejudices
“Not all opinions are equal”
Expression: ability to express to a deeper level is limited to humans
Limited by our vocabulary
Denotation vs Connotation
“he who owns the vocabulary owns the argument”
Critiquing: look for outside opinions to validate or fix your ideas we don't know everything ask people with experience

The 5 grandchildren of death wish (thanatos)
Prejudice, Herd Need, Protective Indifference, False Humility, Fear of Cost
Prejudice:opinions, usually based on little evidence about a specific topic
Enemy of Freedom
Herd Need: Conforming to a group we feel the need to belong when we need to belong overtakes our rational powers, we conform can lead to hazing, abuse, and Drugs
Protective Indifference: Saying “I don't care” refusal to acknowledge the truth
“Human kind cannot stand to much of truth.” TS Eliot we cannot ignore world suffering and truth forever
False Humility: denying our abilities we are created in the image and likeness of God... therefore our talents we posses are good
We choose not to stand out for fear of being wrong, ostracized or shot down
Fear of the Cost: what do you have to give up/ sacrifice for things ringleader of the grandchildren of death wish change is painful and costly
God wants us to grow so we must sacrifice a little along the way

Definitions p48-49
Induction: the generalization or building of a basic category from small group → generalization about everything like the group ex these 50 dogs have ears → all dogs must have ears
Deduction: from generalizations to ideas about specific members of a group whole group → single member ex all humans breath → I will breath
Analogy: explaining the lesser known in terms of the better known
These molecules are spreading like people in an overcrowded room
Syllogism: the transitive property if A=B and B=C the A=C

5 Propaganda systems p 63- 110
American Dream, Pop Culture, Institutional Churches, Formal Education and Parents/peers
American Dream: “we can be whatever we want if we work for it”
Ex Abe Lincoln Vs Elvis
We want the “Good Life” consumerism The value of money in our society
Narcissism, striving for perpetual youth
Pop Culture: freedom through sex, music, drugs and other basic human needs
Playboy Mentality: sex based society, porn, obsession with youth, sexual freedoms
Numbing of the populous through sex, media, drugs and alcohol
Hedonistic culture
Imperfect Church: the church is not perfect because humans are involved
Not even the church can defend the indefensible we need to realize the goal of Christianity
The Imperfect School: people have the wrong ideas about school
Utilitarian ideas: we need it for a good job
We learn how to play the “game” that is school and take nothing from it
Peer and Parent pressure; we are programed with our parents beliefs, but strive to thing like our peers
“group thing”
80% of kids