Unit 8 Essay

Submitted By lauralee93
Words: 363
Pages: 2

Maturational theory – Gesell * The majority of behavior is affected by our biological stages of development.
* Each cell contains our genetic code in chromosomes (we inherit information from each of our parents, which makes a unique combination) * Genes are segments of DNA located on chromosomes * DNA is active compound of each chromosome
* Each person has 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) * Sperm & egg are gametes - each containing only 23 chromosomes * Upon fertilization - 2 combine & cell has 46
How characteristics are inherited * Dominant gene – will always effect the child’s characteristics * Recessive gene – will only affect the characteristics if the other gene it is paired with is also recessive. * If both parents have one dominant and one recessive gene, only 1 in 4 of their children will have the recessive characteristic. * Mutations, random changes in the structure of genes, occasionally cause offspring to differ from parents.

Behavioral disorders associated with genes * Schizophrenia * Alcoholism * Obesity * Depression
Nervous system * Central nervous system (CNS)—the brain & the spinal cord * Peripheral nervous system (PNS)—everything else

Cerebral Cortex

The limbic system
The limbic system is comprised of three major structures. * The hippocampus is crucial for memory consolidation. * The hypothalamus, which drives the endocrine system and regulates hunger, thirst and sexual desire. * The amygdala, which is important for generating emotional