unit 61 Essay

Submitted By tgreen2007
Words: 1338
Pages: 6



1 – Understand importance of speech, language and communication for children’s overall development –
Terms of development –
Speech – is an act that is verbal communication, the ability to verbally communicate needs .wants and thoughts and general conversation.
Communication: A process by which ideas are exchanged between individuals. It is a way to make your needs and wants known (expressing needs); there is more than one way to communicate such as spoken, written, sounds, pictures, symbols or using non verbal communication such as gestures or signing.
Language – A form of communication using words either spoken or gestured with the hands or any means of conveying or communicating ideas; specifically, human speech; the expression of ideas by the voice; sounds, expressive of thought, articulated by the organs of the throat and mouth
Speech, language and communication needs –children all have different needs, some greater than others, which is why it is important to notice them as early as possible so they do not become delayed. Children with difficulties can struggle with basic speech, language and communication needs such as stringing a simple sentence together, not being able to verbally communicate, not understanding others, . People who speech, language and communication needs have difficulties communicating with others. This may be because they are unable to say what they want to or they have difficulty understand what is being said to them or they don’t understand social rules. For some this may be minor and temper whilst for others their need will be complex and long term.

Explain how speech language and communication skills support each of the following areas in children’s development –
Learning- Understanding when they are being asked to do something, asking questions if they are unsure and also able to ask for help.
Behaviour – Children communicating their wishes to other become less frustrated as they are understood and are able to process things which are being said to them promoting positive behaviour
Social and emotional – Child will form relationships with peers communicating with them their wishes and understanding wishes of their peers Promote confidence forming friendship giving them a feeling of independence..

Having speech, language and communication difficulties will affect children’s development in a variety of different ways as it will depend on the type and the severity of the problem and the support that the child receives. The short term effects can be –
Lack of confidence
Finding it difficult to form relationships
Difficulties in learning , processing and applying new information
Finding it hard to be understood by others
Long term effects of having a speech, language and communication difficulties are hard to predict but generally these can be –
Low self esteem
Reduced life opportunities
Finding it hard to make and maintain relationships
Feeling isolated and excluded
Not being able to be independent
Develop anti – social behaviour

When a child has speech, language and communication difficulties there can be many potential impacts on a Childs development. A child having difficulties many not follow the expected pattern of development for the communication. The child may find it difficult to communicate with their carers and peers and they may become frustrated and show negative behaviour. It can also impact on them socially as they may struggle to communicate with their peers and their peers may find it hard to understand them, which can lead to a child feeling upset and can cause low self esteem. This can also affect their behaviour as they may show their anger by lashing out at their peers. Confidence can be affected as they may not want to join in with certain activities which could currently and in the long term cause a lack of confidence. The child may want to play on their own because